Jag Pop's Comments

Nor do you know Nostradamus.

People have Nostradamus totally backwards (OF COURSE!).

People think he wrote his prophecies FOR them. Ha! So he could generate endless coffee table stuffers?


People are naturally people-centric. No big news there!

**He said he worked for an Archangel** (what is that?).
If such an entity actually exists what is its function and what are it's limitations?

Can we posit that it guides and/or assists mankind?
Can we posit that it is limited by physical laws, yet imagine an entity that interacts
with Reality through a vehicle other than the dross calcium based meat rack we shuffle
about in? (What is the substance of an Archangel?)

Now, drop some predispositions.

If you were an Archangel you would need information in order to guide mankind
somewhere. It is best to know what lies ahead, or could lie ahead, or should be avoided,
or should be directed towards.

Think Lighthouses. You guide your ship through the fog and starless night with the sound
and the beam.

Like surveyors you have one surveyor hold a stick in the distance while the other
surveyor "scopes".

In this case the Archangel uses a book instead of a stick. He "drops", figuratively, a book five

hundred years into the future. The book attracts the minds of men and "Where the mind goes the chi

follows". Threads of energy should be pictured tied to the book, put there by the curious minds of
people *throughout five hundred years of history*.

Curious minds have focused on Nostradamus' book for centuries, each mind contributing its
morsel of energy to the threads. These threads can be pictured traveling in two directions,
backwards in time and forward. Let us posit that to an Archangel these threads are quite

***The more explicit the prediction the more uncertain is its reliability.***
(Does this resemble something Heisenberg is known for?)

That is a paradox and apparent contradiction, but think about it.

The threads have to hold together through the storm of time. Events shift and collide with
each other. Small changes in history have dramatic effects. Would you be here to read this
if the chauffeur of Archduke Ferdinand had chosen the **previous** alley to turn down?

The Archangel would have dictated his book with a craftsman's focus of details. Imagine Him
focusing a detail too tightly and the *lighthouse beam* goes out, He is getting no information
from the future. Somewhere in time the threads or beam were snapped by possible random events.
So he focuses less explicitly and the light comes back on.

It is a frequent complaint about Nostradamus' predictions that they are so wide open for
interpretation that **we can only understand them after the fact**. They become true predictions
**after the fact**. Jokes on you! You are giving them Truth **after the fact**. **BUT TRUE



The Archangel gets what he wants. He has threads into the future built by YOU.

He may be listening now. Think "Hello"!
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  • Member Since 2012/08/09



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