Okay, I'm going to settle this grammar debate once and for all. I was an English major in college.
The title should read,
"The World's Best, Worst, and Strangest Police Cars"
because "World" shows ownership of "cars" and in this context, "Worlds" does not mean "World Is."
So there. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming, re: the point of the article and not the title of the article.
Therefore, this is a neat article and the car pictures included are fun to look at. But it makes me think about how many dollars are spent on these kinds of government-owned vehicles. Even if they were donated, the cost of upkeep and maintenance would most likely be higher than regular cars. Of course, I'm not a car expert, just an English expert. Ha ha. :P
The title should read,
"The World's Best, Worst, and Strangest Police Cars"
because "World" shows ownership of "cars" and in this context, "Worlds" does not mean "World Is."
So there. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming, re: the point of the article and not the title of the article.
Therefore, this is a neat article and the car pictures included are fun to look at. But it makes me think about how many dollars are spent on these kinds of government-owned vehicles. Even if they were donated, the cost of upkeep and maintenance would most likely be higher than regular cars. Of course, I'm not a car expert, just an English expert. Ha ha. :P