smak's Comments

If the clothing sizes are the same now as they were then, it's interesting to note that a "teen" (now called "junior") size "10" was considered "chubby".

Isn't that about average nowadays?
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@ the lord

Please, for the love of god, learn how to spell, punctuate and never, ever write in all caps.

But if you wanted to look like a complete jackass and/or moron, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams
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No, not all Baptists are this way. Most Baptists engage in passive-aggressive taunting and condemnations. Picketing really isn't their style.
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Wow, Jerse -- you are a total, unabashed, unashamed moron, aren't you?

Women aren't allowed to *drive* in Saudi Arabia and they cannot venture outside without a burka. Did you miss that part of the article?

Are you also unaware that in the US, women can drive, wear burkas if they choose, or dress in any fashion they wish. They also can vote, can choose whom they marry, and can worship any way they see fit.

Seriously...take your "who's to say our ways are better than theirs" rhetoric and shove it far up your ass. Only don't do it in Saudi Arabia, because they'll hang you for being gay if you're forcibly sodomized.
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I worked my ass off in high school and got great grades and excellent test scores, and was even offered a partial scholarship to a prestigious school. The only problem was that "partial" meant $3,000 for a school that cost $25,000/year.

So I worked full-time and attended a state school full-time (so that I qualified for a meager grant that barely covered the class costs - not including books/fees). Even still, I have thousands of dollars of debt in student loans to pay back. See, because I didn't have a degree yet, I never made over $10/hr, which isn't a lot when you have books, rent, bills, food, insurance and various other expenses to take care of.

Giving away an education would NOT be a problem for those who achieve and who want to achieve. As long as the basis of the grant is merit-based, then why would there be an issue? If your GPA drops below a certain level, you lose your funding - simple as that.

What's the problem with investing in and bettering the human beings our country produces?
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Good points, Sid. A bit conspiracy-theory-ish, but not totally whacked. However, to completely dismiss the impact of climate change (in one form or another) is irresponsible. Alarmists on both sides have done their job in creating apathy, but that hasn't made the problem of toxicity in even our local environments go away.

What most people choose to gloss over in regards to global "warming" is that this very warming will inevitably lead to the ice caps melting (it's already happening), which in turn decreases the salinity and temperature of the ocean...which would lead to the cessation of the ocean currents that create our current weather patterns. And if the currents cease, what happens?

An ice age.
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