smak's Comments
>> how can one misintepret a line they create?
Ayn Rand didn't come up with the saying, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." She's simply misquoting it to further her warped Objectivist philosophy.
@ qwhacker: I wouldn't pick up 'Atlas Shrugged' again except to use it to prop open a door or window.
Ayn Rand didn't come up with the saying, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." She's simply misquoting it to further her warped Objectivist philosophy.
@ qwhacker: I wouldn't pick up 'Atlas Shrugged' again except to use it to prop open a door or window.
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@ Pol x
You seem to be missing some letters. Please learn how to type before posting.
You seem to be missing some letters. Please learn how to type before posting.
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I wonder what would happen if everyone had to pay state income tax because the minimum wage was enforced?
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Camille, thanks for the anti-American sentiment. I was wondering when it would show up!
Remember kids: hating America is cool!
Remember kids: hating America is cool!
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Oh, Dave -- you're so much smarter than everyone else, ever!
Thanks for not wasting our time with lengthy explanations that we're too ADHD or stupid to understand!
By the way, I didn't know GW (Mr Biofuel) was an environmentalist! Wow! And here I was thinking that the Alaskan oil fields would only provide 10 to 15 years of oil, conservatively -- 30 years at best. What an idiot I am!
Thanks so much, Dave! I'm such a f*cking moron!
Thanks for not wasting our time with lengthy explanations that we're too ADHD or stupid to understand!
By the way, I didn't know GW (Mr Biofuel) was an environmentalist! Wow! And here I was thinking that the Alaskan oil fields would only provide 10 to 15 years of oil, conservatively -- 30 years at best. What an idiot I am!
Thanks so much, Dave! I'm such a f*cking moron!
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You forgot the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party. ;)
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Isn't it nice to see the fruit the Civil Rights Movement has borne four decades later?
Their education levels "pail" in comparison to other states, out-of-control homicide rates, blurring of the lines between the functions of church and state, and epidemic -- yet completely preventable -- health problems (obesity and its related issues).
Way to capitalize on your opportunities, Birmingham!
Their education levels "pail" in comparison to other states, out-of-control homicide rates, blurring of the lines between the functions of church and state, and epidemic -- yet completely preventable -- health problems (obesity and its related issues).
Way to capitalize on your opportunities, Birmingham!
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Get. The. F***. Over. It.
Seriously, Sarah Marshalls of the world. People with thought patterns like yours are the reason why there are disclaimers for every potentially "hurtful" or idiotic demonstrated in the media.
Seriously, Sarah Marshalls of the world. People with thought patterns like yours are the reason why there are disclaimers for every potentially "hurtful" or idiotic demonstrated in the media.
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@ Rhea - What an innane comment. Wow!
Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, you know. ;p
Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, you know. ;p
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Wow, Ted Danson's really doing well for himself after "Becker".
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@ DreadfulBore:
I just ate your high horse. It was delicious!
I just ate your high horse. It was delicious!
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"The American football huddle was invented by Paul Hubbard, a deaf player at Gallaudet University, to avoid the other team see his signs."
This is still awkward. A better way to write this would be:
"The American football huddle was invented by Paul Hubbard, a player at the all-deaf Gallaudet University, to keep the other team from seeing his signs."
This is still awkward. A better way to write this would be:
"The American football huddle was invented by Paul Hubbard, a player at the all-deaf Gallaudet University, to keep the other team from seeing his signs."
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*in response to blog post #61*
Now, will you please stop telling me about "the rapture" and how an omnipotent, omniscient god -- who, by definition, knows everything I have done and will do -- is going to condemn me to hell because I don't believe in a 2,000-year-old book?
Please, for the luvva...shut the eff up. All of you.
Now, will you please stop telling me about "the rapture" and how an omnipotent, omniscient god -- who, by definition, knows everything I have done and will do -- is going to condemn me to hell because I don't believe in a 2,000-year-old book?
Please, for the luvva...shut the eff up. All of you.
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The family didn't read the fine print, nor did their attorneys. The husband divorced his wife to actively scam the system. The former is, at best, ignorance and the latter doesn't sound very moral to me. It is, of course, very sad that this woman is suffering, but that doesn't excuse ripping off the system -- intentionally or not.
I don't shop at Wal-Mart, but I'm acquainted with the way their corporate system operates, unlike the "WALMART IZ EVIL!!!111" morons out there who don't even understand the basic principles of capitalism.
Seriously, can anyone here admit that they'd willingly pay $7 for something that they could get at Wal-Mart (the exact same item/brand) for $3? No? Well, that's why Wal-Mart has been so successful. That's supply and demand in action.
Furthermore, many people haven't any other options as to where to shop. Some rural Americans live far from a centralised town, and so a Wal-Mart is often their only store for food, clothing, etc.
Wal-Mart spends millions settling fraudulent and questionable lawsuits from scam artists. Unlike most other retailers (who almost universally have crap healthcare and benefits - it's the nature of the industry), Wal-Mart has no cap on their health insurance pay-outs in almost all cases. They also have the largest cash-giving charitable non-profit arm in the country, but you don't hear much about that. It's all EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!
I don't shop at Wal-Mart, but I'm acquainted with the way their corporate system operates, unlike the "WALMART IZ EVIL!!!111" morons out there who don't even understand the basic principles of capitalism.
Seriously, can anyone here admit that they'd willingly pay $7 for something that they could get at Wal-Mart (the exact same item/brand) for $3? No? Well, that's why Wal-Mart has been so successful. That's supply and demand in action.
Furthermore, many people haven't any other options as to where to shop. Some rural Americans live far from a centralised town, and so a Wal-Mart is often their only store for food, clothing, etc.
Wal-Mart spends millions settling fraudulent and questionable lawsuits from scam artists. Unlike most other retailers (who almost universally have crap healthcare and benefits - it's the nature of the industry), Wal-Mart has no cap on their health insurance pay-outs in almost all cases. They also have the largest cash-giving charitable non-profit arm in the country, but you don't hear much about that. It's all EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!
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Obama won his senate seat because his opponent was embroiled in a massive sex scandal.
And he still voted for the war.