smak's Comments

Hey AnUnSi, so which would you save from a burning building -- if you were only able to save one:

1) A tray of 100 fertilized embryos.
2) Two 5th graders.
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I find it amazing that your omnipotent God -- a god who, by definition, presumably created everything and knows everything that has happened and ever will happen, and everything that you have done and will do, despite granting 'free will' -- is also able to condemn people (that He/She created as fully fallible) for not providing them evidence of His/Her existence.

Doesn't make sense, does it? You know what else doesn't make sense? Believing in the boogey man. That's why I -- and millions of others -- don't.
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There are no guarantees in life; a dad can get hit by a bus at 30 or can die in his sleep at 90.

Correlation does not necessarily equal causation, people!
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People who think there's a discernible difference between the two parties are the biggest dupes of all.

No matter which you choose, everybody loses ultimately.
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Hey, I'm all for the Bill Clinton Brothel! It's way better to be associated with doin' it with some ugly chick rather than fucking over just about everyone else in the world.

Man...remember when presidents were articulate? And learned? And presided over budget surpluses? And got impeached for lying about getting blown by an intern (even though every single other politician, ever, has engaged in extra-marital relations)?

Good times.
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Stephanie, attempt to spell and punctuate correctly if you want anyone to take you seriously. (It's "COULDN'T care less", by the way.)

Making sense is another key thing you should work on. Seriously. Read what you wrote aloud.
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The argument that healthy food isn't affordable is laughably bad. Rice, beans, lean chicken, a wide selection of veggies and fruits are very affordable and easy to prepare. It's how 3rd world countries eat all the time.

Giving your kids snack cakes and soda vs giving them fruit with peanut butter and a glass of water is a no-brainer. Personal responsibility means considering long-term health. That's something that people are capable of doing regardless of income.
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Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Don't be tripped out by the fact that it's technically sci-fi. It's an excellent, engrossing, fun read.
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This post is not what I'd consider "neat", nor is it the lighthearted fare that has made neatorama one of my favorite sites to visit. The political b.s. around here is starting to stink up the joint.

Instead of partisan posturing (which, if desired, is easily obtained on one of a myriad of news aggregate sites), how about more posts about music, art, bizarre history, etc.?

Please, for the luvva, stop with the politics. PLEASE.
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dananswers writes:
"Cain and Seth married their own sisters. At this time in history God’s prohibition against incest was not in effect. The degradation of human genetic information and the resulting physiological breakdowns that occurred as a result of sin had not yet taken great effect."

So...where in the Bible does it say that? Was the world somehow less "sin-cursed" at that time? What proof do you have of this from the Bible? If anything, the Old Testament depcits an angry, vengeful God who is *so* angry with His creations that he burns them, turns them into pillars of salt, drowns the world, etc.

Or are you just making things up to justify the obvious problem of incest within the creationist model?

"Now, of course, we frown on incest and have made it illegal because we have the knowledge of its effects on the resulting offspring. The mistake we make is looking at the Genesis story through the lens of our own cultural constructs. We cannot assume that there was not marriage between these siblings simply because Genesis does not explicitly say there was not."

Are we also making mistakes by looking at Genesis literally? Your logic could also be used to imply this.
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I think BadGirl brings up interesting points in an, albeit, profoundly ignorant way.

DanO, do you take a stand other than cultural relativism? When is murdering others culturally permissible? What of those who make excuses for the cruelties carried out in the name of Islam? When do we stop and consider the idea that *maybe* simply throwing money at Africa is as pointless at throwing money at any other person or entity?
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Larry, I hope you're joking. Otherwise, you're just as pathetic as these parents' children.

There are plenty of toxic cross-cultural influences out there. The greatest forced proliferation of Western culture came via the sword and the gun and thanks to the Spanish, Dutch, French, Portuguese and English empires.

So before you start complaining about how horrid America's influence is, I remind you that America's influence in the world is largely voluntarily cultural; nobody's forcing McDonald's on anyone.
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These are actually *arias*...not operas. But good post none-the-less! Like another poster pointed out, I can't believe Vesti La Giubba (Pagliacci) was left out.

It's a shame that liking opera is seen as snobby these days. So many people are missing out on truly beautiful music that was created for the masses!

Carmina Burana (O Fortuna), however, needs to die a quick, painful death.
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