IggyKoopa's Comments

I was bitten by a stray cat (one of the top carriers, next to raccoons, in my area at least) and so I went to the hospital to get the wound cleaned and precautionary antibiotics, but ended up with the rabies vaccine series, too. I was given several immunoglobulin (I haven't the slightest how to spell that) injections near the wound sites to help prevent the spread of anything until I could actually start the vaccine series the next day, since there is a shortage of the vaccine at the moment, and it has to be overnighted and approved by DNR. I then received around 7 shots over the next month, all of them in my arm.

Incidentally, don't get exposed to rabies if you don't have insurance. without it, this would have cost me around $6,000.
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Women in Afghanistan have almost no agency. They have almost zero political power and even fewer options personally. I'm not sure why you think, given their overall situation, four young women would choose this old man as a husband, as opposed to being forced to have sexual relations with him.

If you can't understand that, then I doubt this conversation can go much further.
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The use of "herstory" instead of history is not because feminists don't understand the etymology. The usage came about because history and the way it is taught has focused exclusively on the contributions and achievements of men. It would be great if we didn't need a women's history month or an African American history month because the stories of women of all colors, and the stories of African Americans were represented as broadly and deeply as those of (mostly) white men.

I doubt you'll find many feminists who use "herstory" exclusively, as opposed to within a specific context. I don't think I've ever used it in a conversation, to be honest, but it floats some peoples boats, and it's not hurting me any.
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Honestly, when I first read the story (not on here, either), I thought, "Huh, well it's about time, I guess." I, personally, have not seen a Men Working or Men at Work sign in a long time. All of our signs say "Give 'em a Brake: Workers Ahead."

I only commented on this issue because I read the comments, and what I previously felt was fairly intelligent bunch of people, were making incredibly sexist statements. Incredibly. Most were from men who have the luxury of never paying attention to issue of sexism.

I know that you're original complaint was that it was a waste of money because it's not like the signs were sprouting personhood and telling women they couldn't work at road construction. But nearly all of the complaints about these signs felt very much like, Oh those feminazis, always trying to waste taxpayers money with their stupid little problems.

Of course there are mean-spirited douches within every movement, but again, that does not negate the important work that feminists have done and continue to do.
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Considering my degrees are in Women's Study and Political Science with a minor in philosophy, I would say that I've read fairly deeply into the issue.

One time, I got mugged by a black man. An Arab man raped me. A white woman told me I was too ugly and stupid to succeed. I guess that means all black men are muggers, all Arab men are rapists, and all white women are bitches with low self-esteem. Because you say three feminists called you a gender traitor, all feminists must be out to get you.

If you hate us so much, I fail to see why you think every time we try to change sexist things around us, that it is some sort of negative commentary on how you've chosen to live your life. I certainly don't need or want your validation of how I live.
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The lack of malicious intent does not negate the actual message the signs send.

Black people are not racist against themselves because they are reclaiming a word that has historically been used to oppress them.

I know white men like to feel like culture has victimized them, but that feeling is childish anger that they finally have to share their toys with other genders and races.
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I'm going to go ahead and say I've done a fair share more reading in feminist theory than you, Evilbeagle, and probably philosophy, too. I'm also calling shenanigans on your little story about feminists wanting to beat you up.

I never understood how working toward equality was such a controversial subject.

Oh, and I DO focus on the larger issues. I'm very involved with activism and policy formation around the issues of rape, the wage gap, the status of women in other countries, sexual harassment, and equal opportunity. I am not playing the victim by calling out sexist BS when I see it. I suppose I could stay home and clean while making excuses for sexist behavior, all the while reveling in my superiority, but there are women and men in the world who suffer because so many people ignore their plight.
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I don't know who these crazy man-hating radical feminists are. I'm apt to believe they're a figment of your imagination because they neatly fit into your framing of the issue.

Again, I am not playing a victim. I am just trying to explain how small instances of sexism contribute to a larger picture of oppression. But you clearly don't understand or want to understand that point of view, so I am done with this conversation. I'll just have to use my new free time hating men and judging women for staying home and being so liberated.
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When there is a vote, the majority do not always win. See the 2000 election results for president.

I am quite proud to be a radical feminist, and I have yet to meet a feminist that hates me. Of course, I work, take care to use language that does not oppress people, and take turns taking care of my family with my female partner.

I am not a victim, nor has my own life been terribly fraught with injustice, being a white, middle-class American and all.

If "Men Working" signs were the only thing sexist, they would be of little importance. But they are just a brick in a very large wall that makes women's contributions invisible.

Beyond that, there are a lot of things the government does to waste money that chap my hide, but I don't think that trying to rectify sexism or any other inequality is a waste of money. YMMV
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I've not resorted to any name calling.

If you should take some time to study the history of the development of our country, and our republican form of government (you might note that it's not a democracy), you would know that many of the founding fathers set the system up so as to avoid the "tyranny of the majority." Democracy does not protect minority rights, but republicanism does to some degree.

I believe that you are the one making assumptions about me. I don't hate women who have sex with men or who stay home to take care of the house or children. The article has nothing to do with these things, either. It's about a sexist sign.

At this point, though, I feel sorry for you. I hope someday you can look past your own experience and see the injustice that others must suffer.
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You seem to think feminism has given you nothing, and you dismiss the legitimate complaints of women over something that affects you not in the slightest as petty and self-centered.

Next time you see fit to vote, own property, not BE property, earn your own money, spend your own money, walk in public without a male companion, get a job and be paid a decent wage, ask your husband to do something without being beaten, refuse sex without being raped, divorce if you're not happy with the marriage, choose your own partner in life, direct your own destiny, have a drink or a cigarette, wear whatever you feel like putting on, drive a car, have a driver's license, inherit property, swear in public, take your rapist/abuser to court, use birth control, be able to mingle among the general population while on your period, choose whether or not to have a child, or you, know, just live your life, remember:

Feminism is what gave you these things, and trust me, they were not the majority.
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