monia's Comments

Shae, I hadn't ever heard of that. They DNR guy sounded like they'd be more concerned if the bat acted strangly or appeared sick. Bats aren't likely to carry rabies. I think about 5 % of the bats they test are positive and they estimate that only about 1/2 of 1% of bats have it. Supposedly the ones that end up in homes are not behaving "normally" and are mor likely to be rabid. Incidence of rabid bats has been on the rise in my area of MI. One guy from MI died of rabies this year. He had a bat in his home but did not think he was bitten. They hadn't had a death here in 20 years. My county had 3 bats test positive this year. It's not real likely that the bat in my home was rabid but who wants to take a chance. Especially since I had a bite.

I just researched it and bats are not unaffected carriers of rabies. They can develope a immune response.
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This is so weird. I just started a series of rabies shots. There was a bat in my house over a week ago and something bit me on the leg the night before that. After speaking to the DNR and health dept they said I needed to get the shots as a precaution. They were not as bad as the "old school" treatment but I did have a reaction. I'm ok now. I got 8 shots the first day and then 3 more over 2 weeks. I've got just one more left. I don't hate bats. I wish we had taken the one we caught in for testing though. We let it go. Now we're thinking about hiring someone to get the bats out of our attic in the spring and putting up a bat house outside for them. We can't see any up there now. Our home inspector didn't and neither did the workers who have been up there installing stuff. It was a big brown bat, the biggest I've seen. It didn't appear to be sick either.
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They are such a cute couple. Neat story. I'm going to guess it's true.

Shae, Oh I did see the moive with Timothy Treadwell recently. Yikes! I think this bear is different. The one that ate him was old, starving and not as familiar with people.
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This is one of the cutest things I think I've ever seen! I rescued a bat when I a little girl. It looked like a soft ball of fluff with wings. Then it opened it's mouth and it was all mouth like a little Pacman only with lots of tiny sharp teeth. LOL I took it to a wildlife park and they cared for it there.
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Gauldar, thanks for your comment. I like your name. First let me say that I see some good in everyone I meet. I especially appreciate people who are open minded and I'm not afraid of those who believe different from me. You know "fear leads to hate" and all that ;)I believe that God created everything perfect but that over time things have become degraded. The state of this world just isn't getting better. Not if you take an honest look at the big picture. There is so much sadness and pain. Crimes are getting worse. Public school is not generally as safe as it was 20,30,40 years ago. Yes we've made some advancements but taken some big steps back too. For example a number of years ago they didn't need security checks for weapons at schools. Kids are getting into crime at younger ages and grow up way to fast.
I also don't think that any animals were originally carnivores. I think they have adapted as their food sources became scarce or disappeared or as their enviroment changed. Take a look at the teeth on a panda. I don't have time to go into this to deeply right now but it's an interesting one to me.

I don't believe that we are here because of a long series of random accidents. I believe everything was created by an extremely sophisticated and wise God. That is very different than the evolutionary theory. Darwin observed micro-evolution taking place first hand. But the mainstream church at that time taught that creatures were unchangeable. This created a dilemma for him. Micro-evolution is not opposed in scripture anywhere. That was a man made belief.

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I'm a creationist. I believe that through adaptation genes can be switched off and on to create variations in species and things like new virus strains can emerge. There are almost unlimited variations possible. I don't believe that totally new species can arise though. However, sometimes the different variations in a single species can appear drastic, as in dogs for example. Zoologist Walter Veith does a good of explaining this. I studied evolution in college and have made an informed choice about what I believe. I still continue to research this topic because it interests me. I love science :) In care you're wondering why God would make viruses to become so harmful- I don't think that was His ideal. Because of the increasing evil (bad or whatever you want to call it) in this world creatures have used their God given awesomeness to adapt in order to survive. We have free choice. He doesn't force us all to be good or even to honor Him.

you are right!
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This was really cool and unusual. I couldn't help but thinking how all these people are dead and gone now. They were so full of life then.
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I remember being grouped by eye color and doing an experiment in elem. school once. What I remember most was that no one could figure out what color my eyes were so I had to stand in a group all by myself. it didn't bother me though. I felt special.
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