I am irrationally upset about this - granted I don't make it to SF often, but I loved seeing them. I don't care if it *is* touristy, I loved those little guys. Sniff.
I'm surprised how often I learn something about myself, reading the secrets of others. Sometimes those secrets are my own and I didn't even know it - you're completely right on about that.
I am interested in knowing more about how you helped the project become more than just a one-off experiment (was it all organic, or do you feel like you ever had to give it a nudge?), and what other personal or professional projects you've ended up taking on that you think are a result of PostSecret (not just where doors had opened because of this, but anything you were led to do because of it).
I am interested in knowing more about how you helped the project become more than just a one-off experiment (was it all organic, or do you feel like you ever had to give it a nudge?), and what other personal or professional projects you've ended up taking on that you think are a result of PostSecret (not just where doors had opened because of this, but anything you were led to do because of it).