I got seven correct--five I actually knew, one was an educated guess, and the seventh was a wild guess. (If Scott Simon had been in the mix, I'd've gotten him, too.)
She's also the only living person to share writing credit on a Billy Joel song in his solo career, having cowritten "Code of Silence." (The only dead person is Beethoven, whose Pathetique Sonata formed the basis of "This Night.")
(I qualify this as "in his solo career" as I don't know any of his material from before then--his days in either The Hassles or Attila--and it's entirely possible that some of those songs were collaborations.)
A correction--Preppies was an off-Broadway musical, not a Broadway one. it played at the Promenade Theatre at Broadway and 76th Street, which is now a Sephora.
7 out of 10--I missed Chicago (guessed the Sun-times, not the Tribune), Houston, and Arizona(!?).
@chadcloman: Yes, the Daily News is a New York paper. Less prominent than the Times or the Post, and harder to find outside of the city, but still notable.
Miss C--who was the one you knew?
(I qualify this as "in his solo career" as I don't know any of his material from before then--his days in either The Hassles or Attila--and it's entirely possible that some of those songs were collaborations.)
@chadcloman: Yes, the Daily News is a New York paper. Less prominent than the Times or the Post, and harder to find outside of the city, but still notable.