aikaik's Comments

So all this study is REALLY saying is that people who are so straight-laced that they won't have sex with multiple partners, use drugs recreationally, or drink are unlikely to have tattoos. I mean, obviously? It says much less about what people with tattoos are likely to do.
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I'd like to take this article seriously but Malkin is such a joke of a celebrity journalist that everything she says is suspect and most assuredly cherry-picked to show the worst side of any agenda she disagrees with.
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I imagine the methane the goats emit are actually worse for the environment than the negative ecological impact of a lawn mower. If cows are as harmful as a car, surely goats are as harmful as a lawnmower.
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned that this law is hardly enforceable. And even if regulatory checks do, in fact, happen, the fact is that even on things like child-labor and fair wage laws, the process is absurdly corrupt and barely effective.

As many have mentioned, we must assume that larger companies will be in a better position to pass these tests than smaller firms.
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