johzephine 1's Comments

My grandfather had one that had things like "pirate" and "virgins converted" on it. My mother used it, and a photograph of him dressed awfully piratey while at sea (he was a sailor) to prove he was a pirate.

Then she got a business card similar to it for my brother for his 19th birthday or something.
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If it's video of a kid being a kid, then it's cute.

But that's not what it is.

It's a video of a kid being a kid that someone subtitled in an attempt to make it funnier, and, for the most part, failed.
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man, one of the things I like about neatorama is that it reminds me of all the neat old stuff that i've seen before but forgotten. Just because it's old doesn't make it any less neat.
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I miss Heroes.

And really I only miss that because it means when it comes on again I won't be with the person I'm always with when I watch it.

That makes me pretty god damn sad.
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