I am a girl, has a BS in math and minor in CS. I taught myself how to build iPhone apps and I created a personal clothing app for the iPhone and iPod touch. Computer science requires sitting in front of a computer for a long period of time alone either coding or reading documentation, and that may seem boring and lonely. Most girls enjoy being around other people, learn and do things together. I think CS lacks the social aspect. I am sure guys appreciate girls who keep a good visual presentation and vice versa. Looking geeky is not a validation of one's ability to master a machine. Girls should not need to feel they have to dress nerdy or appreciate nerdy things to fit in. Star Trek Star Wars alike were created by men and for men to fulfil their fantasies, it's annoying people assume you have to like these sci fi stories if you are in CS. Nerds don't need a makeover, the field in general needs one badly.
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