Justin 5's Comments
My god... is this a civil discussion... ABOUT POLITICS?!?!
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Well there is no one right way to do things, but my parents never gave me any allowance. Instead, you were simply expected to do certain chores and activities as part of your family obligation.
While it may not teach a child the value of a dollar, it does teach them that you shouldn't place a pricetag behind every deed you do.
While it may not teach a child the value of a dollar, it does teach them that you shouldn't place a pricetag behind every deed you do.
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FUD: Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. (ya I googled it!)
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That would be funny if all these world leaders were getting their picture taken next to a cardboard cutout. :)
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I think it was the dramatic music that made this the most funny. That and the fact that they are running around in sumo suits. :)
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I just noticed that every comment in here was a question.
How does that make you feel?
How does that make you feel?
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Alright, I managed to actually read the study through my school's library. Apparently they took the top selling video games from each console/pc as of 2005-2006. They then weighed games depending on how many copies were sold. So if one game sold 4 million copies and another sold 2 million, the 4 million one had double the value.
The thing that really annoys me is they don't list the specific games they used which I find really sloppy. However, if we think about this logically, the vast majority of top selling games are either war related or sports related.
I don't discount that women are featured less prominently than men. However, I believe the sample of games they used made it impossible to realisticly expect a 50:50 ratio.
The thing that really annoys me is they don't list the specific games they used which I find really sloppy. However, if we think about this logically, the vast majority of top selling games are either war related or sports related.
I don't discount that women are featured less prominently than men. However, I believe the sample of games they used made it impossible to realisticly expect a 50:50 ratio.
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Well I imagine a good chunk of the games surveyed were games that focused on professions already heavily male dominated in real life. Such as war games, or professional sports games.
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What a groaner!
I'm pretty forgiving of lame jokes, but I don't laugh much when I read his comics. Well I guess we all have different senses of humor.
I'm pretty forgiving of lame jokes, but I don't laugh much when I read his comics. Well I guess we all have different senses of humor.
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Hey, I liked Die Another Day!
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One more thing I'd like to add. I think there were many things about our society in the past that we have changed for the better. Racism, sexism, and in general a more openness towards people who are different is a lot better today than it was 50 years ago. However, I do think that there were plenty of positive things that we shouldn't ever forget. Like being courteous to strangers, and recognizing the world does not revolve around you.
Be independent, do what you think is right, but you are not a baby anymore and you can't just scream whenever you want something.
Be independent, do what you think is right, but you are not a baby anymore and you can't just scream whenever you want something.
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People are right to say that we like to idolize "the good ole days" even though in fact there was plenty of rudeness throughout pre-1960s America.
So while it's important to recognize that, it does not mean we have to endorse it or ignore it. I personally believe we as a society should not put up with tactless, in your face, barbarism. The moment you say it's okay because our predecessors did it too, is the moment this becomes a non issue for some people and they see it as the cultural norm for how you act in public.
Say what you will about 1940s and 50s Hollywood being fake by showing perfect families, but at least it gave many people a positive moral guidepost for them to strive towards. (even if it was unrealistic)
So while it's important to recognize that, it does not mean we have to endorse it or ignore it. I personally believe we as a society should not put up with tactless, in your face, barbarism. The moment you say it's okay because our predecessors did it too, is the moment this becomes a non issue for some people and they see it as the cultural norm for how you act in public.
Say what you will about 1940s and 50s Hollywood being fake by showing perfect families, but at least it gave many people a positive moral guidepost for them to strive towards. (even if it was unrealistic)
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Unfortunately, the vast majority of the species that are threatened with extinction, are so because of human intervention. So it is our duty to attempt to restore a diverse ecosystem.
And while many species have and will continue to go extinct, there are plenty of success stories out there where humans have taken a dying species and revitalized it. Just look at the Bald Eagle, and the American Bison.
And while many species have and will continue to go extinct, there are plenty of success stories out there where humans have taken a dying species and revitalized it. Just look at the Bald Eagle, and the American Bison.
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haven't horseshoe crabs been around basically unchanged for hundreds of millions of years? I imagine if natural selection was going to make them less prone to being flipped by waves, it would have done so already. :)
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I mean honestly the people who are railing against the idea of man made global warming are almost always not even proper scientists themselves.
Here are the facts ladies and gentlemen whether you like them or not. The Earth's climate is an incredibly complex system that is difficult for even the most intelligent of climatologists to fully understand. That said, don't you think that it makes more sense to listen to these experts as opposed to the ramblings of an internet conspiracy nut? Or the guy on TV who doesn't even have a proper education in the field?
I read a lot about climate change but I don't really understand the complicated mathematical sciences behind it. And the fact is neither do you. This is why we listen to "experts" in the field.
Because they actually understand it better than us.
That's really all it boils down to.