Justin 5's Comments

9% a year!? There are plenty of student loans out there that have much better rates than that. I've even seen a bunch where the interest is close to nothing while you are in college.
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Well the article got it half wrong and half right when it comes to parasites controlling the brain of the host and using it to reproduce.

The problem has nothing to do with the possibility of using another species as a means of reproduction. We have seen plenty of evidence of this on Earth. The problem is when you say an alien species would be able to arrive suddenly on a new planet and then instantly be able to use whatever animal material is around to act as a host for it's offspring.

As Sid's video clearly stated, 'there are a variety of these fungus and each one is specialized for one insect.'

It requires a bit of an evolutionary leap to be able to use different hosts for reproduction let alone being able to control a variety of different brain types. (which is probably a big reason why the parasitic fungus can only target one species)

So in summary
Parasitic mind control: Possible
Universal parasitic mind control: Quite improbable

On a side note, I've always been bothered when science fiction planets seemingly have one eco-system. I mean, if there was a planet where the poles were hot deserts, can you imagine what the equator would be like? :)
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I'm sure most of you are aware of this, but even if the queue system is taken out there still is a Submit link for everyone to use. The only difference is it acts as a tool for the editors to cut down on the un-neatorama links. It also usually requires them to make a short little paragraph describing the link.

If you go back, you will find that a large number of the posts made by neatorama were in fact user submitted.

Anyways I have a problem with splitting the queue bot into its own section. If you do that then there will be tons of neatorama-worthy posts that will either have to be double posted from there or ignored in an attempt to keep both sites unique. I would probably never even bother visiting the queue section, but I'm sure some people will. For them double posts would be kind of annoying spam.

I'm all for innovation and experimentation. I applaud you guys for being willing to try new stuff in order to give us a more enjoyable website. But I just don't see this working in any sense. Please switch back, but how about making the "submit a link" button much more pronounced. I'm sure many people who visit neatorama don't even see it in the top right.
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While there have certainly been a whole bunch of great posts from the queue system, the quality of the posts seems to have gone down quite a bit. Even though some of the links I have submitted in the past were destined for the trash can according to the powers that be, I still liked how this website would often create quality posts describing the link.

I know the old way is more time consuming for the staff at neatorama, but you've already spoiled us with your excellent posts. I guess it just feels like we're losing that unique feel your site offers when it's just purely user submitted and produced content.
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All I'm saying is it's not the kind of posts we usually get on neatorama.

So while it may be "interesting" to see how other people and cultures around the world view smoking, it's kind of a downer...

I guess I'm gonna have to check out this queuebot thing.
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I suppose the only thing "neat" about this was at the end when the kid threw the cigarette on the ground in favor of a snack...

I think maybe we need someone at neatorama to give these links the go-ahead before they automatically post.
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You're right paperboy it's so entertaining when bear grylls says he's repelling off a cliff with vines and instead is uses a harness and gear. It's so entertaining when bear grylls says you can float down a rushing river with only a backpack and a couple of plastic bags, but instead has to use a life vest just to stay afloat.

I know that entertainment is part of the reason people watch it, but another big part is the show claims he will "show you" how to survive in the wild. He and his production team try to make it something it's not.

Look I don't need the internet to tell me the show is ridiculous when he comes in with a script where they pretend a bear is coming after him while he sleeps. His advice? Run through the woods in the dead of night and leap off a cliff into a river even though you have no idea how deep it is. If a grizzly bear (or black bear) is looking to attack you that is probably the worst thing you could do. Not only is it faster, but anybody who knows anything about bears knows turning tail and running is the wrong move.

So yeah call it entertaining if you want, but in no way are criticisms of him "misrepresented". Man vs Wild tries to come off as realistic and educational as well as entertaining. Sure they may have the entertainment part down, but it's not very realistic or educational.

You don't have to take my word for it though, ask anyone who knows anything about survival situations and their advice will often vary greatly from what he gives.
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Paperboy people take "cheap shots" at bear grylls for a variety of reasons.

First off his show is scandal ridden with Falsehoods. Just one example when he was in the Rockies "floating down the river with his "self made floating backpack" he in fact had to use a life preserver as well. You can even see the gray life preserver strapped to his chest at certain points.

Second, his advise is often times just plain wrong or even dangerous! This is what bothers me the most about the show because at least half the purpose of it is to teach people how to survive in the wild. But if you follow his advice to the letter you will just end up in a worse situation than where you started. He often takes unnecessary and ridiculous risks that if he makes one false move he would break his leg. Without a camera crew constantly around him this would almost certainly lead to his death in a survival situation.

I'm warning you guys now, if you are ever caught in a survival situation, you are probably better off doing exactly the opposite of what he tells people to do on TV. So don't jump into an ice cold raging river thinking your backpack full of plastic bags you puffed up will save you. And when given the choice to drink your own urine, there are ways to actually separate the water from the urine so you don't drink the stuff that's actually quite bad for you in a survival situation.

Talk to any survival expert and they will have nothing but scorn for this guy and his show.
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