MikeeUSA's Comments

Those who take action against men who take young females of childbearing age as wives should be killed, and must be killed if any part of the world is to be maintained as safe for such men (and such men are good).

Women's rights has overtaken the world, and it does it through force: the jailing and murder (by police and law or by war). There is little men can do about this, they have no allies, even amongst other men... except to fight and die in the hope that they atleast will kill some of their enemies ... the enemies of all good men.

Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberty (or let the world become nothing).
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I applaud the father for marrying off his 13 year old daughter to his friend.

Females gain the ability to have children usually at the age of 12, 13, or 14 years. Females should be married once they are able to have children.

As for those who will claim it's rape: in the Bible the punishment for the rape of an unmaried, unbetrhothed young maiden is for the man who seized her and had relations with her to marry her and not divorce her and pay her father some money (Dueteronomy 22.)

The Bible does not condemn rape unless the female is married (or will shortly be (betrothal didnt last more than a year, and usually the girl lived in her husband's house during that year.)) to a man.


I applaud the pashtuns and I hope that they spread their anti-feminist pro-men culture far and wide and that those who uphold pro-female anti-man culture fall.

An American Catholic who likes the Bible and the Old ways... and hates the new ways and all who condem men for living as all men wish.
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