I would love the USB foot warmer. I work in a basement in an old home & in the winter, heat or not, it's COLD down there. I wonder if the "eye" massager has other lonely applications........
He rambles, saying nothing except "I'm nuts" and "I'm obsessed". Maybe instead of being Scientolgists, they should just admit to being Borg - RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. I agree, he's a nutjob.
If you live in Michigan like I do, this is accomplished without the glove. You just hold your right hand palm side up & point to where you live & where you want to go. :)
Start reading to him NOW, if you don't like to read out loud, get books on tape/cd from the library. My 8 year old can read at an 8th grade level because I started reading to her when she was born.
Don't start letting your baby sleep with you, they can cry for awhile, you are not being mean, you are giving them some independence. You will all sleep better in the long run.
Trust your instinct, you will be fine, they don't break very easily & most of the time you will know what to do.
Guinea pigs are not pointless. They can be trained to be very nice pets for little ones. We have had 5 of them and have really enjoyed them. They all have personalities and can teach children responsibility.
If properly trained, they don't bite, they are not skittish like a hamster or gerbil can be. They can give "kisses", and will stay by you for hours on end.
They don't run away (even if out of the cage), and I trusted my small daughter to hold & play with ours without constant supervision. They are sturdier than a hamster, they can take more handling than the smaller rodents can.
Plus they eat all of your vegetable scraps, and if you use their waste in the yard, you have great fertilizer.
Any pet can bring you joy, it just depends on your likes & dislikes.
What an angel!
Start reading to him NOW, if you don't like to read out loud, get books on tape/cd from the library. My 8 year old can read at an 8th grade level because I started reading to her when she was born.
Don't start letting your baby sleep with you, they can cry for awhile, you are not being mean, you are giving them some independence. You will all sleep better in the long run.
Trust your instinct, you will be fine, they don't break very easily & most of the time you will know what to do.
If properly trained, they don't bite, they are not skittish like a hamster or gerbil can be. They can give "kisses", and will stay by you for hours on end.
They don't run away (even if out of the cage), and I trusted my small daughter to hold & play with ours without constant supervision. They are sturdier than a hamster, they can take more handling than the smaller rodents can.
Plus they eat all of your vegetable scraps, and if you use their waste in the yard, you have great fertilizer.
Any pet can bring you joy, it just depends on your likes & dislikes.