something more to consider is that while everyone is responding on the idea that we as humans are the plan for this new planet, consider we are not. Everyone reading this blog should go to the popular science website and look under technology and then robots. The gov. is spending billions on creating robots that can think and feel and make choices, they are the potential beings for any new planet found, and they are what is being sent out to space to see if it can survive. So dont worry fellow humans neither you or your children have a role in the coming future. Think about all the technology wonders we know about- you think the government isn't decades further in their advancements? Right. They can and are doing things that everyone should be thinking about. If we are going to preserve life then its time society came together without the government and found a way to coexist. The government is taking us where they want us group by group and nobody says a thing til their group is confronted. Future planets- lets worry about our planet and our people. No jobs, teachers laid off- no relief money for Katrina- but billions to build robots for some hopeful future life. What a joke.
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