3xl tshirt pleaseannounce to the world that you are undecided politacally. they will all come to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk to you. Call Obama and ask for disaster relieft and maybe you can move into a fema trailer many warm miles away.Tell your ex-wife her child support payment is there under the snow by the foundation....call the FBI and let them know that this is where Jimmy Hoffa is supposed to be buried..... Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
announce to the world that you are undecided politacally. they will all come to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk to you.
Call Obama and ask for disaster relieft and maybe you can move into a fema trailer many warm miles away.
Tell your ex-wife her child support payment is there under the snow by the foundation....
call the FBI and let them know that this is where Jimmy Hoffa is supposed to be buried.....