0.3333... is not 1/3rd and 2/3rd is not 0.66666 - those are just an approximates we use for convenience. There are many fractions that can't be perfectly expressed by the decimal system. The fact that the decimals must go on forever is a symptom of that fact. Whoever originally thought this up is just using this gotcha either on purpose or unwittingly to make the 0.999 == 1.0 point.
0.3333... is not 1/3rd and 2/3rd is not 0.66666 - those are just an approximates we use for convenience. There are many fractions that can't be perfectly expressed by the decimal system. The fact that the decimals must go on forever is a symptom of that fact. Whoever originally thought this up is just using this gotcha either on purpose or unwittingly to make the 0.999 == 1.0 point.
There is no such point of contention.