This posting is too stupid to even comment on. Shame on you Neatorama for putting something like this up. It doesn't qualify being anywhere "neat" and it endangers your reputation, not to mention losing loyal followers. If I wanted to read biased political garbage, I'd visit a "real" news site.
"It is a sick twisted theology, one with no responsibility for the needs of this planet."
Just a quick response this statement:
I wonder if the dinosaurs felt stupid as the went extinct. "Why didn't we think about the needs of this planet! Why were we so foolish and provoke that meteor!" Or climate change, or pole shift, or whatever. Humans are a blink of the eye in the planets lifetime. We are a blip. A speck. What is large is your ego.
Honestly, it's nice that you have such a concern for your planet. You should really check out the north pole or death valley and contemplate what we can do to make those areas more hospitable. Maybe those extra 18 Duggars could live there if we figured out at way to make it nice. Then they wouldn't be such a burden to the rest of us.
Did you actually say that the people "ignoring" the problem have a fear paralysis? Have you ever heard the story of chicken little? It's the people who desperately need the crisis de jour so they can then pretend like they're doing something to change it that love to live in fear. We're talking about one family doing their own thing here, and lucky for them they have the freedom to do it. Other countries that really do have a population problem have families that have been forced to live the way their leaders dictate to them.
Our media loves to feed the crazy fear appetite so many Americans have. Whether it's bird flu, swine flu, global warming, global cooling, holes in the ozone, nuclear threat, terrorist threat, immigration threat, job outsource, industrialization (we used to be an agrarian society not that long ago), the list goes on and on. Yes there are problems in the world, and yes it's good to be aware of them, but getting upset at one family in the U.S. over having too many kids is so misguided. It's a shame that the people who really do dwell on "change" and "making a difference" focus their attention in the wrong direction.
Hey, I know, if you're so worried that the world is spinning out of control, why don't you climb into some of those left over bunkers from when people who feared they'd be dead by now because of nukes built some sweet little dugouts to hide in.
I bet the people who are so worried about over population also worry about the deaths caused by lack of food, clean water, and diseases developing countries suffer from too. Don't those worries actually cancel each other out? And don't forget global warming! The world is going to have such drastic climate changes that half of us are bound to die off anyway, so the over population problem will be solved.
Don't worry your self to death – although that would actually be a step in the direction of reducing the population...
Actually, I guess I was really taking aim at the comment on the shop description that says: "If you think that someone you love act like he or she descends directly from monkeys ... that's absolutely right!"
It's the "absolutely right" part that struck a chord. Regardless of personal beliefs, the FACTS are that the twists and turns on the road of human history are still very much debatable. There are huge holes in the evolution theory that people want to overlook just so they have an answer, but as with much of science, the more we learn, the less we know.
I totally agree with anyone who thinks we should try and stop population growth. I think all those people should heed their own advice and not have children. They really shouldn't be parents anyway, and then their ignorant views won't be passed on. It's a win win!
Actually, you're not. Try watching Ben Stein's move: "Expelled." If you're sticking with simplistic idea that we come straight from apes, and think creationists are looking at old ideas, your theory is actually the one that's outdated. It's laughable that those who think they are progressive are actually the most closed minded. It's really a sad contradiction.
Everyone here brought up good points and had thoughtful remarks. Seriously. I'm not being sarcastic. I understand there is a serious difference in scale when it comes to man's impact on the environment vs. natures own change of course. The dinosaurs did came to a rather abrupt end, and there were Mammoths that got frozen so quickly it was like someone shut the freezer door on them. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes strike without warning and have devastating effects also, but by in large, yes, we humans are really messing things up.
We've over fished the oceans, we've clear cut forests, we've polluted everything. does that leave us? Anyone have a response to that question?
Yeah, this event was a disaster, yes we are shooting ourselves in the foot by destroying the world around us. We have the potential to shoot ourselves in the head too (thanks you nuclear arms race).
My point remains this. Species come and go and come and go. Regardless of our impact, life will survive. 100 million years from now this planet will be a very different place, and one large body of water drying up will have no effect on the planet's overall ecosystem. Does it suck now, especially for the people effected? Of course. But what's the real disaster?
The REAL story isn't that it happened. It's that world's most influential people don't really care. That's the real tragedy. This is just another step on our path of self destruction. You can do your small part and make yourself feel bigger by thinking you're "helping the planet" and "going green." But the truth is, we're a long ways off from stopping things like this. A lifetime of attempting to lessen our eco footprints will be undone by a government in the span of a day.
I think we actually need much larger "destructive" events to wake us up. Hopefully we'll all see a day when headlines actually point to stories like this rather than Paris Hilton. Which reminds me, I need to go see what else is on the Yahoo homepage today.
I love how every environmental change is "complete destruction." Granted this change came about by man's intervention, but why are all these changes (including polar ice melt) considered "tragic" by those reporting? It's short sightedness. It's a lack of real perspective. The earth has been changing for MILLIONS and MILLIONS of years. Any changes we witness in our lifetime are but a blink in the life of our planet.
Was the separation of Pangea, or the creation of our greatest mountains such a terrible thing? Was Everest a "destruction of the once beautiful flat land that came before it" or previous ice ages the "destruction of lush green valleys?" No. Of course not. Life changes and moves on. The whole sense of impending environmental disaster is driven by ego. It's ego that makes people think we're bigger than this planet can handle. We are nothing in the grand scheme of things.
People need to look at the big picture and see how self centered and biased this kind of reporting is. The reporting and information is interesting, but the language used to make it seem like a good or bad thing is totally opinion.
Wow. That was really bad. I LOVE neatorama, but this was horrible. When the description said this guy was popular on YouTube,I thought there would be some talent there, but there is none. It makes me sad that this low level of production and creativity would be popular.
"It is a sick twisted theology, one with no responsibility for the needs of this planet."
Just a quick response this statement:
I wonder if the dinosaurs felt stupid as the went extinct. "Why didn't we think about the needs of this planet! Why were we so foolish and provoke that meteor!" Or climate change, or pole shift, or whatever. Humans are a blink of the eye in the planets lifetime. We are a blip. A speck. What is large is your ego.
Honestly, it's nice that you have such a concern for your planet. You should really check out the north pole or death valley and contemplate what we can do to make those areas more hospitable. Maybe those extra 18 Duggars could live there if we figured out at way to make it nice. Then they wouldn't be such a burden to the rest of us.
Did you actually say that the people "ignoring" the problem have a fear paralysis? Have you ever heard the story of chicken little? It's the people who desperately need the crisis de jour so they can then pretend like they're doing something to change it that love to live in fear. We're talking about one family doing their own thing here, and lucky for them they have the freedom to do it. Other countries that really do have a population problem have families that have been forced to live the way their leaders dictate to them.
Our media loves to feed the crazy fear appetite so many Americans have. Whether it's bird flu, swine flu, global warming, global cooling, holes in the ozone, nuclear threat, terrorist threat, immigration threat, job outsource, industrialization (we used to be an agrarian society not that long ago), the list goes on and on. Yes there are problems in the world, and yes it's good to be aware of them, but getting upset at one family in the U.S. over having too many kids is so misguided. It's a shame that the people who really do dwell on "change" and "making a difference" focus their attention in the wrong direction.
I bet the people who are so worried about over population also worry about the deaths caused by lack of food, clean water, and diseases developing countries suffer from too. Don't those worries actually cancel each other out? And don't forget global warming! The world is going to have such drastic climate changes that half of us are bound to die off anyway, so the over population problem will be solved.
Don't worry your self to death – although that would actually be a step in the direction of reducing the population...
It's the "absolutely right" part that struck a chord. Regardless of personal beliefs, the FACTS are that the twists and turns on the road of human history are still very much debatable. There are huge holes in the evolution theory that people want to overlook just so they have an answer, but as with much of science, the more we learn, the less we know.
Try watching Ben Stein's move: "Expelled."
If you're sticking with simplistic idea that we come straight from apes, and think creationists are looking at old ideas, your theory is actually the one that's outdated. It's laughable that those who think they are progressive are actually the most closed minded. It's really a sad contradiction.
We've over fished the oceans, we've clear cut forests, we've polluted everything. does that leave us? Anyone have a response to that question?
Yeah, this event was a disaster, yes we are shooting ourselves in the foot by destroying the world around us. We have the potential to shoot ourselves in the head too (thanks you nuclear arms race).
My point remains this. Species come and go and come and go. Regardless of our impact, life will survive. 100 million years from now this planet will be a very different place, and one large body of water drying up will have no effect on the planet's overall ecosystem. Does it suck now, especially for the people effected? Of course. But what's the real disaster?
The REAL story isn't that it happened. It's that world's most influential people don't really care. That's the real tragedy. This is just another step on our path of self destruction. You can do your small part and make yourself feel bigger by thinking you're "helping the planet" and "going green." But the truth is, we're a long ways off from stopping things like this. A lifetime of attempting to lessen our eco footprints will be undone by a government in the span of a day.
I think we actually need much larger "destructive" events to wake us up. Hopefully we'll all see a day when headlines actually point to stories like this rather than Paris Hilton. Which reminds me, I need to go see what else is on the Yahoo homepage today.
Was the separation of Pangea, or the creation of our greatest mountains such a terrible thing? Was Everest a "destruction of the once beautiful flat land that came before it" or previous ice ages the "destruction of lush green valleys?" No. Of course not. Life changes and moves on. The whole sense of impending environmental disaster is driven by ego. It's ego that makes people think we're bigger than this planet can handle. We are nothing in the grand scheme of things.
People need to look at the big picture and see how self centered and biased this kind of reporting is. The reporting and information is interesting, but the language used to make it seem like a good or bad thing is totally opinion.
And that's my opinion.