I completely agree with this. Sir Handbasket and I sleep not only in different beds, but in entirely different wings of Handbasket House and we have been happily married for over twenty years.
Henry dear, if cats bother you that much, don't click the link. And if you have been using the internet since you were 6, I think it's time you took a break. It might be why you seem so tetchy.
Ahundred, I dispute that the golden rectangle is the most pleasing shape to the eye. Personally I much prefer to gaze on a tight pair of buns, and I don't think I am particularly unusual in this. Sadly though I have hardly ever seen my favourite shape represented in the facade of a building. But I live in hope.
My favourite thing about this story is the word "copepod". Have you noticed how nice it is to say out loud? I have been going round all day saying "copepod, copepod, all I want is a proper cup of coffee, made in a proper copper copepod..."
with my little eye
a virgin