It's a dumb list. 2cvs are cute if you like that sort of thing, and everyone knows the ugliest car ever built was the Ford Edsel - until the invention of the Hummer.
We don't "produce" oil, Mule, we pump it up from underground. When it is all used up, it is gone for good, technology or no technology (subject to a "diminishing returns" effect).
It's called a meta-analysis seefish3, it's how good science is done. Whether this one is good science or not I don't know, but yours is not a valid criticism.
Most of my paper waste gets shredded and used as chicken bedding. Once it is nicely soaked in chicken poop, it goes on the compost heap for a few months before being dug into the veg patch. Anyone who can extract my personal details from it after all that is welcome to it - they've earned it.
Now now D Bozko (you're not called David Bosankoe in real life are you? I used to know someone of that name) Skipweasel didn't say that he didn't watch ANY TV, he said he didn't watch MUCH. Presumably he (like you) has decided which programmes he enjoys and watches those. And he didn't say he filled his time with altruistic pursuits. He just implied that he filled it with pursuits more informative and entertaining than TV. I'd certainly agree that reading Neatorama is both informative and entertaining.
Anyway I don't really want to defend SW, he's quite big and hairy enough to defend himself if he wants to. I just mainly wanted to ask if you were David Bosankoe.
Brilliant idea, dutchboy. We could also scrap speed limits on roads, ban airbags, ban motorbike helmets, cut mandatory murder sentences, dissolve the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Authority and the Center for Disease Control, scrap safety checks on airplanes and issue guns to all 10-year-olds. Think of the savings. We could solve the global recession and the overpopulation problem at a stroke. I just wonder why nobody thought of it before.
This story isn't finished yet. The denouement comes when an old friend sees him in Wendy's and slaps him on the back, and he dies from blood loss due to a sudden tonsilectomy with a straw.
Anyway I don't really want to defend SW, he's quite big and hairy enough to defend himself if he wants to. I just mainly wanted to ask if you were David Bosankoe.
Inside a labrador's brain - stuff I can chew, end of story.