Jesus says to give, expecting nothing in return. Nothing. No "warm fuzzies", no pats on the back, no recognition on public forums, no payback from anywhere, from anyone.
While I think it's admirable that he's trying to help others with what is rightfully his to collect (it IS insurance, not welfare!) I understand some of the cynicism expressed here.
It would be better if he kept it to himself (the blogging about it), and if someone ELSE praised him for it, let it be made known that way. By doing that, he would be staying humble, and above reproach.
I personally disagree with the government giving tax deductions for charitable giving. That, too, is expecting something in return.
While I think it's admirable that he's trying to help others with what is rightfully his to collect (it IS insurance, not welfare!) I understand some of the cynicism expressed here.
It would be better if he kept it to himself (the blogging about it), and if someone ELSE praised him for it, let it be made known that way. By doing that, he would be staying humble, and above reproach.
I personally disagree with the government giving tax deductions for charitable giving. That, too, is expecting something in return.