yep, that's all over the news. I'm about 20 minutes from there, and I ended up reading it here first!! Just goes to show that Neatorama is one of my first places checked when I get up!
that's very interesting! Spain has equal death and birth rates, 1 every 1.2 minutes. Most all of the European countries have death/birth rates that are almost equal to eachother. Industrialized countries (USA included) and third worlds have unsettling ratios where births outnumber deaths almost 3 to 1, where are we gonna put all these people!? I'm not even going to touch on the carbon dioxide output.
:( rest in peace Steve! I've been a watcher of his show since I was little and it's really sad to see him die, but at least he died doing what he loves...I feel horrible for Terri, Bindi and Bob, but I hope they continue to run his facilities. He did a lot for animals, even if he did do foolish things sometimes.
I swear I've seen that strip before. I have all of the books, both in the individual books and the collection, and I swear I've seen it. I was 7 when Watterson stopped writing for the papers so I'm pretty sure I never read it in the paper....who knows, it's a mystery!
I feel sorry for looks like a chow/wolf hybrid. I heard there is a lot of wolf hybrid breeding in Maine.
And I guess people don't realize that all dogs' eyes glow in the dark at night, thanks to the tapetum lucidem. And this is doubled if someone is shining a light in the animal's face.
it's a mantis, "Stagomantis carolina" I believe, or it could be a young mantis after a molt. Young mantids go through ten molts before adulthood, and for a time afterwards they are milky white in color. Though the most widely seen color of mantis is green, they can range in color from green to tan to pink.
And I guess people don't realize that all dogs' eyes glow in the dark at night, thanks to the tapetum lucidem. And this is doubled if someone is shining a light in the animal's face.