Liam 7's Comments

As a lefty pinko card carrying member of the ACLU liberal. I don't know what rights were violated. Not First Amendment - you have the freedom of speech on your own property not to vandalize that of others and in this case "public" property.

"Excessive?" No, a crime was, in fact, committed. You can be arrested for that. Was the punishment over the top? Yes, but her rights weren't violated. How about the rights of the other students to use school equipment that was not vandalized?

She was not held for an unreasonable amount of time. She wasn't formally punished by the state.

Why was she handcuffed? That's the question. Did she at anytime refused to go voluntarily?

I consider myself an artist at heart, but I don't tolerate vandalized. It is a defacing and denial of another person's property.
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Statistically speaking switching does not better your odds. Staying with the original choice does. Each door is 1/3. By picking one, you have a 33% chance of being correct. When the host reveals a door, you now have a 66% chance of being correct.
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I'm a very very liberal person (Read: card-carrying member of the ACLU). And I'm a practicing Catholic. I find studies like this ridiculous at best. They are petty and divisive. Many have a problem with people using their intelligence as a weapon, which this study blatantly does.

Many issues that I have with this "study"

First, the definition of liberalism includes: "in part, as caring about the well-being of vast numbers of people you'll never meet." This is not a value limited to liberalism at all. Many conservatives regularly attend religious ceremonies and pray for people they've never met. Some studies have claimed that conservatives donate more to charity than liberals.

Second, the definition of intelligence is not defined well enough. I'm a believer there are many types of intelligence: spatial, musical, mathematical, etc. Liberalism is "social" or "political" intelligence. A limited scope.

Third, from a personal standpoint (considering I am a far lefty leftist) I think pragmatism is a much bigger evolutionary advantage than strictly adhering to one political (or religious) philosophy.
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Gauldar said:

"So all the people who assume this device would only provoke a murderous rage in the assailant, would your advice the victim be to shut up, sit there and take it?"

I'm a male mid-twenties. And I'm your biggest peace, love, and cookie dough stoner. I consider myself a good ethical person and think rape is a horrible crime. Now, a rapist is probably on the wrong moral plane to begin with. And if something like this happened to me under so sort of vengeful circumstance I would probably lose it. I can only imagine what a rapist would do.
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I went to parochial school. Handwriting was the rule. And to this day I have very neat handwriting. It's not really intelligence my teachers were looking for, but discipline. It's part of controlling your own body (fine motor skills). Your body is a powerful tool, but you need to learn how to use it. Fred Astaire didn't just dance like that on day one.

I think this is proof some professors can formulate half an idea and publish. Otherwise known as BS.
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Don't make crass generalizations, for instance, "Neither I, nor you, know ANY military member that has that attitude." Referring to an attitude of entitlement. Maybe violet does know military individuals with this attitude, because I do. I know others that don't. Some people use their status, be what it may, executive, lawyer, celebrity, to justify what they are entitled to.

You claim that violet hates the military, but she (assuming a "she") merely criticized the father's and others failed logic of entitlement because of one's service. Criticism should not be perceived as hate especially when one asks valid questions. Her phrasing may have been more harsh than appropriate. We may not have parades for clerks, but we do have gay pride parades. I'm sure any organization could get a parade together, its a military tradition to have parades. Off on a tangent I know.

I also resent your assumption that violet is a "freeloader." Well, isn't the father in this article freeloading off of his son's service? It is exploitation and it is wrong.

Yes, you are in fact right that the U.S. military delivers over four billion dollars in aid to foreign countries. Most of it goes to three countries: Israel, Egypt, and Columbia.

You also accuse violet of lying, but she does not. You may have found some of her assumptions misguided, but never did she lie. Your off base attacks to a person criticizing the military are simply ridiculous. I thought they taught manners in the Navy.
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