Snarlz's Comments

"As Knut grew older, he continued to be a popular attraction for visitors and he is still living at the zoo. Unfortunately, Dörflein died of a heart attack in 2008, although he remains a hero to many residents of Berlin."

He Whut? Huh, that one slipped past me. Never knew. :(
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And if you missed my point:
People without kids should get a tax break, imo.
we need to stop throwing money at irrisponsible people that pop out kids for government freebies.
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People need to be rewarded for doing the right thing, and we need to stop rewarding people for doing the wrong thing.

Currently in the USA, a "child free" person still pays taxes for all school related needs even without kids. The argument may be that people in general need to grow up to be educated (ie this person will wipe your ass in the nursing home), however, that dosn't change the fact that there are people (with kids) who benefit from these Taxes DIRECTLY, whereas those without kids get ...a better future of people? Uh YAY?

Meanwhile, single parent welfare mom is being directly rewarded for popping out 5-6 kids. Yay for the system.
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Ok... first impression. Reminds me of pop christian music (aka that really crappy music they play when its NOT the holidays).
I just think this song is meh.
Adam Sandler did it better. :)
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Meh. Honestly, parents who let their kids watch TV on a reg basis, don't care anyway so it does not matter. Kids watch so much crap, just throw this onto the daily onslaught of stuff they probably see anyway.
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Are you:
In a quiet cafe with other patrons?
In a checkout line with a cashier trying to interact with you?
In a Movie Theatre, watching a movie?
In a quiet waiting area (such as a dentist office) with other people nearby?
In an area with napping children?

----> NO, you selfish moron. Its not ok to use it, go outside.
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Thats pretty crazy. Even the really dumb ones like killing ALL the rares in Northrend and Outlands? God... the Raid ones....the nonsense ones. Hmm...

Something tells me they had help. That dude had to sleep eat and poo sometime, and I bet someone else was on his account when it happened.
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Very beautiful and sad. What would have happened to all these unique cultures, I wonder, had they been left alone and encouraged to bloom? As fantastic as they are, I can't help but wonder how moreso they could have been. What a see such bold identity bow before the relentless march of modernization and at the hands of another stronger civilization.
(Being from the US I often find myself mulling over the fate the variety of Native American cultures has suffered as well and what path they might have taken in their own time.)
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I would be willing to pay extra for Child-free flights.
I would be willing to pay extra for Child-free MOVIES
I would be willing to pay extra for Child-free hours of operation in restaraunts
I would be willing to pay extra for a house in a Child-free neighborhood.

PLEASE somebody offer it!!!!

So you can't keep your damn legs shut, why is that my fault? I don't want to deal with your disgusting, obnoxious spawn that would have been left in the woods tied to a tree for wolf bait in ancient times.
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