Back when I had Geico auto insurance (around '98-'99) they had the most atrocious wait music. It was maybe 5 or 6 seconds of nothing but jazzy Motown-type horn jabs played over and over and over... There were breaks in the music for recordings of a woman doing of the WORST voice reading I've ever heard (porn stars have better acting ability than what she had). She had the oddest and most irritating phrasing such as "Did you know. That Geico now offers boat insurance? Yes. It's. True!" During a 30-minute phone wait I had to hear this woman sprinkled in every 90 seconds throughout the monotonous horn music.
I think what made this suicide-inducing was that the hold music and commercials were absolutely BLARINGLY LOUD, but when a live operator came on I could barely hear them.
I think what made this suicide-inducing was that the hold music and commercials were absolutely BLARINGLY LOUD, but when a live operator came on I could barely hear them.