I don't know why but this reminds me of a man who stayed at the hotel I work at. He called the front desk for 2 wakeup calls. One at 6:41 AM and one at 7:08 AM. I told him that was weird and he said he likes to throw people off. I will do that from now on at any hotel I stay at...
My first middle school photography class assignment was to make a camera out of a shoe box. Some made cameras out of film canisters. Really, all you need is a light tight box, a pinhole for the lens and a place to put your film.
Anyways, its cool how he made it out of those things, though!
This happens when i lay in bed on my side and one of my eyes is buried in my bed and the other one is looking out. it is weird. oohh also when i used to work in the darkroom and one eye would be looking through the grain focuser staring at light. the other closed.
Hmmmm I took a creative writing class and was introduced by my professor to "The 36 Dramatic Situations" by Georges Polti. The 36 dramatic situations are plots and are supposed to be every single story that can ever be told...(tragedies).
Check it out! the book is here on http://www.amazon.com/Thirty-Six-Dramatic-Situations-Georges-Polti/dp/0871161095
or you can find simple versions of it online..like here.. http://changingminds.org/disciplines/storytelling/plots/polti_situations/polti_situations.htm
He doesnt cut and paste photographs, he actually makes these prints completely in the darkroom using dodging and burning techniques. Hes one of my favorite photographers.
That's the game of Risk! It looks different but it's definitly the same. Risk is a board game with the 7 continents and each player is a different color and chooses different countries to conquer. Then you have to try and conquer the other neighboring countries by rolling dice with the higher numbers winning. Then you take over the world. Pretty cool.
Anyways, its cool how he made it out of those things, though!
oohh also when i used to work in the darkroom and one eye would be looking through the grain focuser staring at light. the other closed.
Check it out!
the book is here on
or you can find simple versions of it online..like here..
Maybe that will help a little?
He doesnt cut and paste photographs, he actually makes these prints completely in the darkroom using dodging and burning techniques. Hes one of my favorite photographers.