I was simultaneously Chess Club and Latin Club president in one year of high school, the same year I memorized pi to 314 digits, and played bassoon in orchestra and marched the flugelhorn.
One of the first things I asked my wife when I first met her, upon finding out that she was from Venezuela, was if there was in fact such a thing as Venezuelan beaver cheese. She had no idea what I was talking about seeing that 1) there is no such thing and 2) she's not a Monty Python fan. Married her anyway.
Monty Python's humour isn't lost on the newest generation. My twelve-year-old son loves it.
Admiral Prazuck told French TV station La Chaine Info the pirates seemed to be surprised that the navy ship fought back. Because it was flying a French flag.
Monty Python's humour isn't lost on the newest generation. My twelve-year-old son loves it.
Because it was flying a French flag.
I want to throw up.