I have watched every episode (that I know of) and movie since the beginning and while I have Doctors I like more than others it is still the Show that I return to see. That said, I am undecided about Matt Smith at this point but feel like he will settle in and may just work out. But there is one thing I have made up my mind about and that is the new Theme music. How did this techno/beat monstrosity make the cut? It's horrible and it now prefaces every commercial. Not so bad in the UK, but here in the States we have a ridiculous number of them during the program.
That said, I am undecided about Matt Smith at this point but feel like he will settle in and may just work out.
But there is one thing I have made up my mind about and that is the new Theme music.
How did this techno/beat monstrosity make the cut?
It's horrible and it now prefaces every commercial.
Not so bad in the UK, but here in the States we have a ridiculous number of them during the program.