Pay close attention to the Tim Berners-Lee drawing of servers which looks authentically old-fashioned, and note the caption: "Information on one server reefers to information on another."
I didn't look at all of the photos, but it seems to me that he shot them with a flash. If I was driving 70 mph on the highway, the last thing I would want from a car that was overtaking me would be to flash me and potentially freak me out ...
This is a remarkable example of a flawed concept. GPS devices are horribly bad at receiving signals indoors because they require visibility of the sky to receive the positioning signal. Put it indoors and it won't work. The older chipsets had problems in urban areas since the tall buildings provided enough sky occlusion and reflection of signals. Even forest trees are a problem. Only the newest chipsets work reliably in normal outdoor navigation, but still fail completely in situations where the receiver is in a paper envelope which is in a canvas bag which is in a cargo container which is in a truck or a postal facility. The GPS has absolutely no chance to track its position there except for a brief time while someone is carrying the postal bag from the truck to the airplane or something.
Couldn't he have used high-speed film instead?