thats awesome! no bickering, no revote. straight forward high card wins. nice and simple. a refreshing breath of fresh air this day in age of overly complicated politics.
i was glad they tookl the time to make sure it could respond to questions like "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" which really doesn't require to much awnser. how ever if you get a little more abstract with say "Would a woodchuck chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" and its completely lost.. its neat, but i want real AI!
I present to you a sure fire way to get a free steak diner.
simply fins some moron who likes the knicks at the start of the next nba season. simply wager a free steak diner on them not aking the play off, the fool will take the bait and you will get a free steak dinner. it works and its a damn near sure thing..
"Wrestling made me self-conscience about my weight/body type as a child, can we make it illegal too. Oh, and He-man, GI joe, TMNT."
teenage mutant ninja turtles made you self conscience of your body?? dude i'm not trying to offend here but WTF do you look like when turtles make you feel bad about how you look?!
Oh man i'm jealous of who ever got to eat this. say what you want but it is my lifes ambition to eat as many endangered species as i can, as of yet though i haven't had any to speak of. i knopw its weird but i really really want to do this. I am a terrible person but a man wants what a man wants..
simply fins some moron who likes the knicks at the start of the next nba season. simply wager a free steak diner on them not aking the play off, the fool will take the bait and you will get a free steak dinner. it works and its a damn near sure thing..
teenage mutant ninja turtles made you self conscience of your body?? dude i'm not trying to offend here but WTF do you look like when turtles make you feel bad about how you look?!
slumdog millionaire = best picture"