Hah, I read that URL as infectamerica.org which is funny because that's pretty much what you are asking for by not getting your male children circumsized... UTI's etc. And ImmortalTessa - the studies show that regardless of your sexual proclivities, if you are an uncircumsized male you are more likely to get HIV, herpes, and other STDs. It's pretty sad that 44% of newborn males are uncircumsized. The parents are probably anti-vaccine too.
it's a good quality shirt, just got mine in the mail. i wish i would have gotten black though. I wonder if they say it looks great in ash grey because they have extra stock of that color because I don't think it looks great at all.
Super cool story, I know!
I never thought about that. It's a good point!
Type 0 Negative please.
Who cares about that, do they have any Trans Fats?