Geekazoid's Comments

That's how I feel. I know I'll never win the big prizes but I only participate since I feel I should contribute something once in a while to the website/staff.
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Well like it or not America is at the mercy of China, especially financial wise. That is why for all the rhetoric, the powers to be wouldn't dare alienate China too much. Likewise, China wouldn't survive without the world market for their goods, especially the U.S. which is one of the biggest consumers of their goods. It's no surprise that when the financial climate hit the fan in the U.S., it negatively affected China too.

No world is an island in this global economy of ours.
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Waaahhh!!! I got an inflatable turkey!!

Lighten up Francis. I've participated in several mystery sales and the turkey was pretty cool, I actually had a chuckle when I opened it. My coworkers were fascinated by it but I didn't want to take it out of the container.
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This guy's a disgusting creep! I care not one iota how talented, genius, or culturally supercalifragilistic anyone is. NO ONE is above the law! He RAPED her, plain and simple! If it were anyone else besides someone with the fame of this guy, they would be mercilessly crucified, as it should be. For example, anytime a topic about convicted sex offenders and their inability to live in neighborhoods pops up on various websites (including those who committed their crimes decades ago but their name is on the offender registry), I see nothing but people filled with scorn and contempt, showing no understanding or sympathies.

Yet because this creep made some 'deep' movies people are automatically overlooking what he did. Sick, sick, sick world we live in. And do not even start on the victim's statements. Who cares what she says, it has no bearing on people being punished for their wrong doings.

Oh, no politics on Neatorama!
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Sorry if you are offended smak but I'm telling it like it is. I don't mean to refer to ALL younger people but I am specifically referring to those in the military who seem to have less of a military bearing than years before.

I have numerous friends in the military, and they tell me stories of guys fresh out of army basic that talk back, disrespect senior NCO's, wear their berets like pizza chefs, etc. From reading the various military message boards, this isn't uncommon. In fact I think this kind of goes along with the original subject, and relative 'coddling' of new recruits in the military today that only seems to accentuate SOME of their negative traits that basic/boot won't address.

But rest assured the people on the front lines from what I see haven't compromised by 'softening' basic. And the cream of the crop of the U.S. military like the Army Rangers and Special Forces, their indoc and assessment programs (i.e., weeding out) is as brutal as anything else in the world, and it has nothing to do with beating or demeaning soldiers either. Those guys have pride in their uniform and unit, true espirit de corps/
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I agree caveman, I think more people are aware of the jig and what's up, but I was referring to the younger generation today who make it through basic/boot. Just from reading and hearing anecdotes, seems like a lot of them don't have the proper bearing and respect. Wearing their uniforms sloppy, disrespect to senior NCO's, etc. etc.

But I think some are still missing the point here.

The infantry and other front line troops are not being watered down like the other jobs and training. Sure it may not be physically as hard as years ago, but I'd like to see if anyone out there would like to go to combat training to see if it's 'easy.' Fort Benning and Parris Island aren't part of the 'kindler, gentler' military.
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Along with what striatic wrote, I don't understand the 'nostalgia' for what basic/boot was like decades ago, when it was "harder." I don't see how beating recruits up, assaulting them, screaming at them, etc., is supposed to make them any better as troops.

Granted I understand the psychological benefits of 'shocking' the new recruits, breaking them down somewhat, and then building them back up as a team. But just because today's training may not be as 'abusive' as years ago doesn't mean it reflects on the quality of the training. Again, if we're talking kinder and gentler it's more referring to the soft MOS training, not the infantry and front line troops.

If anything, the quality of the recruits that make it through any sort of training these days is more reflective of young people in general. It seems like there's more of the 'me' nintendo generation making it through, one that doesn't necessarily respect authority, period. But that's another topic entirely.
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It might be a 'kindler and gentler' basic training for the Army support troops that tend to go to places like Fort Jackson, but rest assured they haven't loosened the standards for the combat troops, especially Fort Benning (from what I read on the various military boards).

Maybe they might have toned down somewhat on the physical beatings and whatnot but things are still very challenging for the combat recruits.
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I might also add that we tend to forget things in the past which would offer some measure of comparison to today's behavior.

One great example was the Cabbage Patch dolls phenomenon. For us older folk we remember all too well the horrifying breakdown in civility. People were acting like animals, grown adults ripping dolls from children's hands, people fighting each other, for a piece of plastic.
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I don't necessarily think there's a collapse in civility. It's just that the internet and media, with its rapid informational overload, has tended to accentuate the negative over the positive. Bad behavior and news tends to be more controversial and attention grabbing than good behavior. For example John McEnroe's outbursts were far more numerous and just as offensive as Serena's outburst.

In terms of hateful and rude comments on the internet, if you see rude and hateful behavior and messages, there are just as many people that will chime in and criticize such behavior. In other words, I feel that there is just as good as there is bad.
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I suppose it's a sort of fascination to see these eating challenges, but it has become so cliche for every eatery to offer some form of 'eat this in this amount of time to get your picture on the wall of fame' schtick. No wonder people are getting fatter and fatter!
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