Geekazoid's Comments
Mange was also mistaken for bigfoot
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Oh boy, here we go again.
Bickering back and forth between 'liberal loonies hate our troops/country' vs. another wasted soul serving the imperalist terrors of the U.S. war machine, in 5, 4, 3....
Bickering back and forth between 'liberal loonies hate our troops/country' vs. another wasted soul serving the imperalist terrors of the U.S. war machine, in 5, 4, 3....
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Exactly Dave.
Now if this were an article about a conservative/republican, the whine fest about 'liberal loonie bias' would be resounding.
Now if this were an article about a conservative/republican, the whine fest about 'liberal loonie bias' would be resounding.
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Funny how those who get upset over what they perceive as negativity and stereotyping of the military, are doing yet again the same things themselves. What does being a liberal or political affiliation have to do with support of troops? Ridiculous.
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Well sheeple, there are definite trends in terms of what people film and post on the internet so that it can become the latest video hit.
A big one is the filmed marriage proposal.
Another one (not as much lately, thank goodness) is the wedding procession/wedding dinner choreographed dance extravaganza.
And of course the military member on leave surprises family member is the latest trend.
A big one is the filmed marriage proposal.
Another one (not as much lately, thank goodness) is the wedding procession/wedding dinner choreographed dance extravaganza.
And of course the military member on leave surprises family member is the latest trend.
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I agree with you Candace. In fact I have multiple friends in the Army that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have sent them care packages, as I have done so for others stationed overseas (through those send a soldier a package websites).
I support our troops, and have never said anything derogatory towards them, but at the same time I don't support the current conflicts. That is my right.
I support our troops, and have never said anything derogatory towards them, but at the same time I don't support the current conflicts. That is my right.
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Wow, hoping that a father beats up his own 10 year old daughter for something she wore? Without a doubt one of the sickest and most disgusting thing ever posted here, and I've seen them all.
Yes this is touching.
But hopefully they'll bring all the troops home from this pointless insanity. No American lives are worth losing over something thousands of miles away.
Yes this is touching.
But hopefully they'll bring all the troops home from this pointless insanity. No American lives are worth losing over something thousands of miles away.
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YOu can't please all the people all the time.
While this may not be exactly a 'neat' topic, not everything on this site fits into the exact same categories. This is worthwhile to post here because it is rather unique, how many very old robbers do you know?
Someone will always be unhappy about something posted here, it's human nature.
While this may not be exactly a 'neat' topic, not everything on this site fits into the exact same categories. This is worthwhile to post here because it is rather unique, how many very old robbers do you know?
Someone will always be unhappy about something posted here, it's human nature.
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I'm surprised no "hero" has stepped up and tackled this guy or beat him up, Chuckie Norris style.
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Pulp Fiction. When Travolta and Jackson were driving, there's a guy in the back seat, you think everything is cool. Then Jackson turns around to speak to him and...
One of the greatest 'scared you sh**tless' moments in a non horror movie.
One of the greatest 'scared you sh**tless' moments in a non horror movie.
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Indeed it is sad to see the usual mantra repeated here, of how people should be grateful because these troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are somehow allowing us to have our 'freedoms' in America.
I appreciate the military, being a former military myself. But I find it absolutely irrelevant what troops doing in the central asia theater of operations have to do with our personal freedoms and liberties in the U.S. 8 years wasted. EIGHT years! This is beyond ridiculous.
If it were a war worth fighting for, that DIRECTLY affected our freedoms, then yes, I am for it. But to waste 8 years and billions of dollars thousands of miles away when our own citizens cannot keep a house over their heads or food to feed their kids, is the height of absurdity.
Osama Bin Laden was killed long ago. Those who directly harbored him are no longer relevant. That is why I cry for this girl and others whose lives are torn for nothing but hubris and imperialist ambitions.
I appreciate the military, being a former military myself. But I find it absolutely irrelevant what troops doing in the central asia theater of operations have to do with our personal freedoms and liberties in the U.S. 8 years wasted. EIGHT years! This is beyond ridiculous.
If it were a war worth fighting for, that DIRECTLY affected our freedoms, then yes, I am for it. But to waste 8 years and billions of dollars thousands of miles away when our own citizens cannot keep a house over their heads or food to feed their kids, is the height of absurdity.
Osama Bin Laden was killed long ago. Those who directly harbored him are no longer relevant. That is why I cry for this girl and others whose lives are torn for nothing but hubris and imperialist ambitions.
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Very sad. I find it sad because a little girl is going to be separated from her father, not for something that is worth fighting and dying for. 8 years already and nothing to show for it but lives lost and families broken and destroyed, on both sides of the globe. To think this man and others like him face risk for hubris.
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How he ended up in Lithuania was in itself an interesting story. He resigned his post in Manchuria as a protest over the cruel treatment of Chinese civilians. He repeatedly asked the Japanese government permission to issue the visas, and was turned down each time. That someone in his position would disobey an order like that was extraordinary for that time period.
There is also Lieutenant General Kiichiro Higuchi, who allowed 20,000 Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany cross the border from the Soviet Union to Manchuko: