Methinks they're trying to put a 'positive' spin on recruits with previous criminal records. As you all may or may not know, the military has been in the news lately with stories of increasing numbers of recruits with felony backgrounds, etc., in order to boost numbers. The fact of the matter is, the military needs bodies, and needs them now. So probably this "study" was meant to put another side to that story.
Right on the money Frank. I too have visited numerous countries overseas, and the U.S. where I live is by far the scariest. In California there have been a spate of seemingly random shootings where simple road rage caused people to use their guns. It doesn't help that Hollywood movies continue to churn out violent gun laden movie after another.
Tell these visiting British to spend some 'quality time' in places like Bayview Hunters Point, Cabrini Greens Housing projects, or the Jungles of South L.A. before giving us this America isn't so violent claptrap.
I don't give money to any of these people. OK, maybe once in a while if they give me a great compliment or if I have some spare change I don't need, but just giving to these people? No way. The worse are the aggressive ones that stake their claim at ATM's and stores.
I loved this article, spot on to all those cliches! I've also noted a few more 'comic book movie' cliches that a few movies seem to share:
1. The main protagonist will battle it out mano y mano with the final bad ass villain, equal in size or much larger.
2. Said battle will occur in a major metropolitan city, so there can be amazing scenes of cars being upturned and tossed like toys, chunks of building being torn off, and panicked citizens running and screaming from the melee. Thank goodness for annoying computer graphics!
3. The U.S. military will ALWAYS figure into a comic book movie, complete with scenes of jets firing rockets, tanks firing shells, and crazy generals wanting their piece of the action.
Interesting. Such is the power of the internet and media that this mystery will be solved soon, as well as name put to the faces. Will probably turn out to be something harmless
A famous video clip:
1. The main protagonist will battle it out mano y mano with the final bad ass villain, equal in size or much larger.
2. Said battle will occur in a major metropolitan city, so there can be amazing scenes of cars being upturned and tossed like toys, chunks of building being torn off, and panicked citizens running and screaming from the melee. Thank goodness for annoying computer graphics!
3. The U.S. military will ALWAYS figure into a comic book movie, complete with scenes of jets firing rockets, tanks firing shells, and crazy generals wanting their piece of the action.
One of my recent favorites is 'When the Devil Knows You're Dead.'