Memorial Day, a cherished way to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. I'll remember two of my acquaintances who gave their lives in Iraq a few years ago.
Yea that they various forms of these types of establishments across the country. In California a few Asian coffee shops have scantily clad waitresses. It's great for losers that think they have a chance at scoring cuz they tip maybe a buck extra ("hey baby, can I have your number...)
"At least" pro bodybuilders have something to 'aspire' to going to such extremes, namely the possible financial rewards as well as fame. Other than that building muscles to extremes is not only unhealthy, but I don't know of even one female that remotely finds these muscleheads in the least attractive. Gross is right.
Roger even so it doesn't really matter because regardless of his political affiliation o'reilly is a trogdolyte. I could care less what party or belief he stands for I dislike him immensely as a personality, period.
Funny how people of all political affiliations always want to claim how persecuted they are in the media and whatnot. Really how cares, I'm sure you people here who hate "lefttards" and complain like little kids at every perceived slight here go to websites like free republic or buy books form esteemed authors like ann coulter and laugh a storm and insult liberals with impunity.
And again, how does using a term troglodyte become insulting to some of you when oreilly doesn't even view himself as a conservative and is in fact a registered independent. Heck Fox News has liberals on it too right.
Somehow I'm willing to bet if there were topics here mocking hillary or obama or anyone else, these same complainers like evil pundit would then be nowhere to be found or totally enjoying the festivities. Which is fine by me, any person of any political stripe is fair game if their personality deserves it.
So folks stop crying like a baby and as others have pointed out stay out if you hate it so much.
Funny, I looked everywhere for the meaning of ‘troglodyte homunculus’ and nowhere does it reference any political ideology or affiliation.
Also, Oreilly himself bristles at the notion that he is a conservative. When in fact it was found that he was a registered republican he claimed it was a mistake and he is now a registered independent.
So, how can ‘troglodyte homunculus’ be a political insult when oreilly himself considers himself neither liberal or conservative?
Looks like I'm not the only one that nees growing up to do.
Nope, ‘troglodyte homunculus’ is in no shape or form a political insult. I looked all over the place and not one reference or definition of this term has absolutely anything to do with politics or political affiliation. ‘troglodyte homunculus’ is even the brand name of a clothing line.
Here's something else to ponder. O'reilly himself bristles at the notion that he is a conservative, and when it was discovered that he was a registered republican a few years ago he claimed it was an error and now he's a registered independent.
He claims to be a free thinker above political affiliation. So how is ‘troglodyte homunculus’ a political insult when oreilly isn't even a republican or liberal?
So, now, any of you care to rethink yourselves? Looks like I'm not the only one that needs growing up.
Nope you got it wrong Evil Pundit. No one's using political insults here except for the 'righters' who casually hurl the 'liberal,' left tard, and other lables with ease. I've never read Adam to call others right wingers, or other insulting terms towards any political sides. The fact that he likes to feature idiotic people that happen to be of a particular political stripe is hardly a "political insult."
And by the way, weren't you the one not too long ago bemoaning political extremism of any sort on a neatorama subject? Looks like someone here's got amnesia.
Notice the liberal use of words like 'left tard,' liberal this, liberal that, as if it is some supreme form of insult. This coming from some that talk about others being political extremists, and not to make this a political website. Quite hypocritical if I may say so myself.
Bill O'Reilly, a certifiable loon. Just as bad are the tools like michelle malkin that are regular featured guests on his insane "no spin zone" program.
It's fitting that Breakfast of Tiffany's is number one, that is the ultimate example. Another example is Henry Silva playing a North Korean in the classic "Manchurian Candidate," a total laugher.
Recently, I question the choice of Angelina Jolie as Marianne in "A Mighty Heart."
Funny how people of all political affiliations always want to claim how persecuted they are in the media and whatnot. Really how cares, I'm sure you people here who hate "lefttards" and complain like little kids at every perceived slight here go to websites like free republic or buy books form esteemed authors like ann coulter and laugh a storm and insult liberals with impunity.
And again, how does using a term troglodyte become insulting to some of you when oreilly doesn't even view himself as a conservative and is in fact a registered independent. Heck Fox News has liberals on it too right.
Somehow I'm willing to bet if there were topics here mocking hillary or obama or anyone else, these same complainers like evil pundit would then be nowhere to be found or totally enjoying the festivities. Which is fine by me, any person of any political stripe is fair game if their personality deserves it.
So folks stop crying like a baby and as others have pointed out stay out if you hate it so much.
Also, Oreilly himself bristles at the notion that he is a conservative. When in fact it was found that he was a registered republican he claimed it was a mistake and he is now a registered independent.
So, how can ‘troglodyte homunculus’ be a political insult when oreilly himself considers himself neither liberal or conservative?
Looks like I'm not the only one that nees growing up to do.
Here's something else to ponder. O'reilly himself bristles at the notion that he is a conservative, and when it was discovered that he was a registered republican a few years ago he claimed it was an error and now he's a registered independent.
He claims to be a free thinker above political affiliation. So how is ‘troglodyte homunculus’ a political insult when oreilly isn't even a republican or liberal?
So, now, any of you care to rethink yourselves? Looks like I'm not the only one that needs growing up.
And by the way, weren't you the one not too long ago bemoaning political extremism of any sort on a neatorama subject? Looks like someone here's got amnesia.
Recently, I question the choice of Angelina Jolie as Marianne in "A Mighty Heart."