Geekazoid's Comments

No worries Thomas and others, only the enlightened and open ones will write on this thread. The usual suspects will conveniently ignore this one, as they say, if you can't say something good about something, don't say it at all.
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Great for them and the state of California. Amusing how the very same hypocrites that are trying to stop this are the very same people complaining that "they" are "forcing" their lifestyles on them.
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Interesting study. Instinctively I view any car that I pull up behind that has tons of stickers on them with caution. Whether the sticker, any political affiliation, makes me wary for some reason, I don't know why. And I agree, the more the sticker the more it gives me caution. I can't explain why it's just instinct, probably because I think anyone that has to put their beliefs or whatever their thoughts so in your face all over your car, so that everyone can see, must have some ego issues or whatever issues. Now a few sporting logos such as your favorite team maybe I'm not too worried about, except for Raiders fans.
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Is Alex the only one here that credits people with link suggestions? I know I forwarded this story over a week ago (along with others that have found their way onto neatorama). I'm not saying that these stories were not found on their own, but still I wonder. No big deal though.
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No one 'batted an eye' when Kevin Jensen openly carried his gat wherever he went huh? Let's see if the same thing happens if, oh, let's say a young Black male, does the same. Probably everyone and their brother calls 9-1-1.
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I don't see the big deal over Ed McMahon when former pro boxers like Evander Holyfield is reputed to be broke, having blown through hundres of millions of dollars he earned in the ring. That's got to be way more than Ed has ever earned in his career.

It's simple really with great earning come great responsibility to wisely spend and invest. Lots of these high profile types think the money stream will last forever until they realize otherwise.

But let's face it it's not like Ed is a typical American struggling with a foreclosure that has no finances or options that people he does.
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I see where you're coming from Adam, and in many cases I am the same way, but regardless of political affiliation and whatnot, I don't like McCain as a person either. I won't comment on how he treated his ex wife, but I will say that the way he handled the Vietnam P.O.W. issue is absolutely disgraceful. Not only that, but he runs on this platform of being a P.O.W. hero, yet there are doubts about his true experiences. His military record is less than stellar. Since that's his bread and butter he deserves extra attention on this very issue. And he can't even remember, or deliberately forgets, his stances on many issues including Iran. Don't forget that McCain is also a known hot head, showing flashes of nasty temper and extreme political incorrectness. Does America need a guy like this as a "leader?"
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I cannot begin to express the happiness and pride I feel in Obama's incredible rise to becoming Democratic presidential nominee. Just a year ago I never thought he would have any real chance at all in the democratic field. In fact I never thought that Americans would see a president with Black ancestry in my lifetime.

But here we are, and Mr. Obama is oh so close to a most monumental period in American history. I am not Black but like others have been swept up by the message of hope he brings. What America needs is a leader that will bring respect back to the U.S. The current administration has made an absolute mess, and the world loves to hate America. But the world is also in love with Barrack Obama, they see what I see and what so many other Americans see, a fresh face that will unite the world.

What a story I can tell my future off spring, that I voted for the very first Black president of the United States.
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