Geekazoid's Comments

Hey whatever happened to the cry babies that whine about leaving politics out of Neatorama? Isn't this a political post? How about self defense with a gun? Or a pregnant man?

I think I see a trend here, seems some only have an issue with political topics of a certain kind. Pure hypocrisy!

Anyhoo, back to the regular programming!
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The sonorans look like the greasy but tasty dogs the street vendors sell near California night clubs.

Just saw a show about this famous New Jersey place where they sell hot dogs fried.

Love hot dogs, can eat them everyday, my personal fave is Costco dog and soda for only buck fifty.
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Come on, that's not so bad, I've seen worse on the Travel Channel Bizarre Foods. And here I thought it was going to be some nasty two inch thick grubs, insects is one thing I cannot stomach to see people eat.
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Good for the complaint and boo for this whole concept of a very public non invite. I myself am still simmering from a co worker who did not invite me to his wedding. He had no qualms about inviting me to his bachelor party yet he gives out invites at work to other co workers he hadn't known as long as he knew me, as well as all the supervisors and managers.
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Obviously this is necessary for our safety and the safety of the entire universe. If we don't allow this kind of preemptive striking, then the terrurusts will have won.

Or something.
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Well the truck kinda reminds me of the humvees with the gunner turret.

The 'toilet suit' is actually kinda neat, and is something I can use on the job.

The ventilation system on the airplane that gasses everyone unconscious is also an interesting concept, though as we all know it is highly unpredictable and dangerous as that massacre in the Russian theater proved.
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Hey, whatever happened to those who say leave politics out of Neatorama, gun issues are as political as they get.

Oh well never mind.

I'm not happy at all with this ruling.
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All he ate was salads? Then I'm not impressed at all, anyone can lose weight on only 1200 calories, heck that's like starvation mode not even the minimum an average adult needs. Now if he lost weight eating big macs and filet o fishes, then of course McD's would be hiring him as a spokesperson, but only from eating salads? Fugghedaboutit
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That may be true for you Roger, but my views still stand for the others.

I would say that quite a few of the topics on Neatorama can be considered political. It doesn't have to be about Iraq or Bush to be political. How about posts about the cultures and religions of other countries. Should we leave those out too for fear of upsetting people? If people don't like it here they don't have to come, sounds rude but it's simple as that. It seems that people keep complaining about the same things yet they continue to visit Neatorama. I don't agree with or like everything posted on here, but overall it's cool and, well, it's neat.
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I'm willing to bet my last dollar that if Neatorama posted topics that were undeniably pro war, pro Bush, or the like, that the same people complaining about things like 'Costs of the Iraq War' and bitching about leaving politics out would then change their tune and be all happy and lovey dovey. And notice how these same people that complain about politics here have no qualms about injecting their two cents worth when it comes to topics that deal with things like Islam or Middle Eastern countries?

What I find ultimately sad is that people are so hell bent on political labels and ideology that they can't discuss anything without thinking that their way of thinking is right and everyone else is wrong or anti American or whatever else they come up with. Calculating the cost of something as monumental and that has affected so many lives around the world like the Iraq War is something anyone of any political stripe should discuss without the assumption that it's an attack on any political ideology.
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Shame on you Alex! You can't put a cost on fighting the terrorists and the war on terror! We didn't start this, "they" did, and the safety of our future generations has no price tag!

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