Geekazoid's Comments

I'm willing to bet even the most die hard anti immigrant types couldn't pass this exam. Heck, the average American high school or college student couldn't either. It would be great to have Jay Leno or someone go out in public and see what people know. Results would be hilarious, as usual.
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Such a thing was successfully done before in Angola and Sierra Leone by Executive Outcomes (now defunct), a South African based private military company. It was comprised of former South African military personnel and they had the complete 'package' from military transport to weaponry. Despite their stunning successes, they were mercilessly crucified in the media and by African countries, not the least of which there was this perception that it could be deemed "racist" that a South African military company founded by White South Africans was engaging in war in Africa against Africans.

I'm sure these same allegations will be raised again, but clearly something must be done. It is really striking and disgraceful that nations would invade a country based on false pretenses and trumpet how they "liberated" an "oppressed" and "suffering" people when the situation in Dafur was far, far worse. Citizens of Dafur and places similar truly need international help to include military assistance.

Truly shameful.
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Groan, I can see the whine fest starting already. Though it's a bit of a tight race now as per the polls, in the end I believe the American public will tire of McCain and his party. After 8 years, there definitely needs to be some change.
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Scot, you are treading a fine line here. There's no need to chest thump and insult others for their political viewpoints. What does political affiliation have to do with whether one finds this morbid and tasteless or not?
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Agree with Jerse and Adam.

Imagine the furor here from our esteemed regulars if extreme examples were justifiable in painting others with a broad brush. Is the westborough church indicative of christianity and other religious 'nuts' in America? Were guys like Hal Turner representative of the conservative/republican movement?

Seems like if it's Islam it's absolutely A.O.K. for many out there to stereotype and generalize.

Such hypocrisy.
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One thing is for certain here though about the "right" who come here. Once there's a topic posted which they perceive to be 'biased' against politicians or topics of their political affiliation, out comes the whine fest about neatorama being too political, leave politics out, left tards, etc. etc. etc.

Yet they have no shame about casting the stone the other way.
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Lol, o.k. Dave, there's busters and irrational people on the left too, and those comments are whacked, yo, but overall at least here most of the comments are directed at the candidates. And liberal candidates get theirs too here.
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Umm, Dave, there's a BIG difference between what liberals (the left to 'you people') post here and what 'the right' here post.

You see, if you notice, the 'left' here are only ridiculing the policies/viewpoints or the character (or lack thereof) of the POLITICIANS themselves.

The 'right' here, on the other hand, see fit to insult the POSTER, including the person posting the original topic, and slander those who don't adhere to their viewpoints with condenscending and insulting terms.
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Agree with Tempscire, wig sales and whatnot are irrelevant to her political viewpoints or her track record which is hardly impressive. Talking about empty slogans, she can't even get straight what she says from one day to next (alaska earmark funds anyone).
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Interesting, I always assumed that the fortune cookie was an invention made from scratch by Chinese immigrants to the U.S. Looks like there's a bit more to the story about its actual origins/inspirations:
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