Geekazoid's Comments

How can Schindler's List not be on there, it surely deserves to be in the top 3. The ending, where Oskar is about to leave the camp and is given a ring, is in my opinion THE most emotional and tear inducing sequence in the history of movies.
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For the thousandth time, keep politics out of Neatorama, this is not neat, I come to Neatorama for....

whoops, sorry had a flashback there. Cool Lego structure there, I see the resemblance.
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You're absolutely wrong EvilPundit and I take extreme offense at your mischaracterizations of me here. At most I would say 85% of my posts are of the nature you describe.

And I'll stop when these SAME posters stop coming here and whining about no politics on Neatorama, etc. etc. Like they are absolutely forced to visit here lol.

And you're right Penny2 in the end if I saw something like that on the road I would be like, whoah, this guy took the time to make such a display it's worthy of a picture being taken.
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What I find amusing is that those who cry loudest about leaving politics out of Neatorama only do so in certain instances. For example, in other politically charged topics here on Neatorama about religion or Islam, those same cry babies all of a sudden merrilly join in the conversation. In those cases it's perfectly fine to engage in political discourse.

So really, the biggest complainers here about leaving politics out of Neatorama only do so in select topics(but as mentioned SO many times before they STILL come to Neatorama everyday, these are the same types that probably ripped on celebrities for not leaving American when Bush won the election lol). Stop being hypocrites and either leave Neatorama for good (without using multiple aliases to flame), stop making hollow and empty threats and complaints, and leave this great site for the rest of us.
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Oh yes before I forget. For the fiftieth time (and counting), no more politics on Neatorama, this place is rapidly becoming political, even though no one is forcing me to come to neatorama by gosh darnit I still do! Waaaaa!!!
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I have to agree with Dave. As for driving a foreign truck, aren't most Toyotas made in the USA anyhow? At any rate I don't see the relevance of the make of truck with a patriotic message per se. I believe the crossed flags are those of terrorist states or those who didn't assist the U.S. on their war on terror.

Or something.
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How about those little known but notorious movies like 'Cannibal Holocaust' which may have inspired movies like 'Blair Witch Project' with its 'crew disappeared but film they left behind were found' story line.
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No wonder the Mythbusters team couldn't duplicate a 360 on a swing (the size of which was found on any regular playground park). This swings huge, and it took forever to be able to do a (reverse) 360 just one time.
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I'm glad that you brought that up Senior Taco. While it happened a few years ago I think it is still relevant as to the kind of guy McCain is. What was even scarier were the people who were totally supporting and "understanding" of McCain when he uttered that slur, that somehow he had the "right" to use those terms, etc. etc. Never mind that he is a politician that is not supposed to be doing things like that in public.

But then this is a guy that refused to honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday in his state a while back right?
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Amen Algonkin, no matter how many times you tell people that no one is forcing them to frequent Neatorama, they still continue to do so day in and day out.

As for the original issue of McCain's disrespectful behavior, here is a good summary:

The Nation -- The proper, respectful and appropriate description for an foe in a debate between two senators is "the senator" or -- if there is a desire to get flowery -- "my distinguished colleague."

But Arizona Senator John McCain, who after a quarter century on Capitol Hill surely knows the political etiquette, could not bring himself to refer to Illinois Senator Barack Obama as he would any other colleague.

Discussing a 2005 Senate vote, McCain said, "There was an energy bill on the floor of the Senate loaded down with goodies, billions for the oil companies, and it was sponsored by Bush and Cheney. You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one," he said, motioning toward Obama. "You know who voted against it? Me."

That one?

That one?

If Obama had referred to McCain as "that one," he would have been attacked for showing disrespect or ridiculed for being so new to the Senate that he did not understand the basic behaviors of the chamber.

Either way, it would have been a devastating moment.

And it should be for McCain, as well.

Understand what the Republican nominee was doing.

He did not slip up.

The McCain campaign and its media acolytes have for weeks been spinning the notion that Obama is running as some sort of messianic character who sees himself in something akin to Biblical terms.

In internet advertisements, campaign spin and talk-show commentary, Obama is mocked as "the one."

A McCain Web commercial from earlier this year compared Obama with the Nazarene. That ad opened with the announcer declaring, "It shall be known that in 2008 the world will be blessed. They will call him 'The One.'"

The ad proceeds to ridicule Obama's high-minded rhetoric before closing with the narrator telling Americans: "Barack Obama may be 'The One.' But is he ready to lead?"

That commercial has long been recognized as one of the more amateurish cheapshots from a campaign characterized all too frequently by amateurish cheapshots.

Now, John McCain has brought the cheapest of the cheapshots to the debate stage.

It was, for a senior senator who has embarrassed himself too many times during this long campaign, a uniquely embarrassing moment.
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Oh boy, once again the whine fest about politics and neatorama, the conservatives here (and their multiple troll aliases lol).

At any rate I don't know what debate those thinking McCain did good were watching. Like his policies, the man looked plain old and tired. He was limping like he was hurt, and he seemed to drift on endlessly from the questions. He kept forgetting the names of the people who asked the questions too. It must be sad for the conservatives and republicans that they must vote for this guy simply due to political affiliation and not because he inspired any real energy or passion.
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That zombie snake head is weird, guess that's why they tell you to be careful with a decapitated snake head especially a poisonous one as it can continue to bite (they advise to bury it).

But I sure hope they didn't decapitate the snake solely for the sake of putting it on video and the internet, isn't that cruelty?
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Going to try and sell it? Umm, isn't there a reason why she won it for under two dollars? She hasn't even visited the property, I doubt many people would want to even cruise around that area let alone buy a worn down house in it.

But you never know, values might go up one day.
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