Geekazoid's Comments

Spot on with number 10 and its infinite "clever" variations makes me want to go postal when I hear it.

My number one most annoying phrase is when people answer a question with their own long winded question and answer session.

For example let's say you ask someone how they solved a problem at work. Instead of a simple answer, they go into this unnecessarily long and sanctimonious response along the lines of, "was there a better way of resolving this issue, yet, did I have any other option at the time, no.

Just shut the heck up and give us a simple answer lol.
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What an amazing day. The ultimate color barrier has been broken, now any child can dream of one day becoming president.

I have never seen such excitement over a presidential election.

Obama's opening lines say it all, we are ALL Americans regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, etc.

Change is a coming! God bless Obama and God Bless America!!!!!
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There's a reason that the world has a keen interest in this race. The world needs a different direction than the failed policies of the past 8 years that have created more enemies than allies. If you want a country reenergized and the world on our side, vote Obama.
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One thing I remember about 'Psycho' is that for the shower scene Hitchcock had the water on ice cold so the screams for Janet Leigh would be very real. At least that's what those tram guides used to say at Universal Studios.
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You have to be kidding me, a remake of the original chucky movie?

At least they aren't using that most annoying of the hallmark of a lazy filmmaker, CGI Chucky.
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Blairwitch Project would be a nice one, one of the highest grossing independent movies of all time (though far overrated in my opinion as a horror film).

I would like to know where the filmmakers truly got their idea for this movie from. Was it Cannibal Holocaust as I suspect (the old "film crew missing but their film was found" plotline). And what was up with all the shaky hand held camera work.
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I love the outrage expressed here by some, towards people from other countries that "dare" criticize or point out the less than savory aspects of American culture and society.

No doubt these very same people have no qualms about criticizing and generalizing the culture, customs, government, and religion of other countries. Silly double standards.

American culture is based on violence and it is a gun culture sadly. Little children or kids shooting guns is indicative of a greater problem in our society. I don't care how it's done, on a range or on the streets.
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Hmmm, could be political, but no presidential candidate mentioned, so this should be fine with the "no politics on neatorama" crowd. At any rate I'm amazed this father could give an interview to the newspaper and describe what happened. I'd be so distraught and hysterical at what happened, and have some form of guilt, that no way would I be able to describe what happened. Further proof that guns have no business or place in the hands of young people, let alone adults.
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Oh how my heart aches so, for these poor and unfortunate people. It must be so absolutely devastating to walk through a mall and not be able to purchase what strikes your fancy. And no more soft toilet paper? Incredible, I truly hope these women can find some inner strength in order to get through this crisis.

Sniff, sniff.
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The Star Spangled Banner did not become the official National Anthem of the United States until 1931 as it discusses above. How it did become the national anthem is in itself fascinating. Robert Ripley of "Believe it or Not" fame drew one of his famous 'panels' back in 1929 stating that America did not have an official National Anthem. Only after readers sent millions of letters to congress did it finally become official in 1931.
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