Geekazoid's Comments

That's true AD PR, I was about to mention the age thing as well. Make no mistake about it, age discrimination is alive and well, and makes it worse for older workers like execs who would make way more than an entry level younger worker.
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I mean, I feel for him anyone losing a job is no fun especially in these times but you would think a guy that's been an executive position for 36 years would have something in the bank, or prepared for exactly these types of scenarios where they wouldn't have to do something like this.

Maybe it's just me but standing around a busy street with a sandwich board is one of the least effective ways of getting a job. No offense but people with sandwich boards are the last people I want to deal with, as usually these types have some weird messages about alien infestations or the second coming of the savior. I usually avoid them, not stand there and read what's on the board.
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Sorry but Walt was no racist or anti semite, just one of those 'urban legends' that seem to accuse every well known personality/celebrity of anti semitism and racism:
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Happy Birthday Walt indeed. I love the way Walt and his organization was always about wholesome, clean fun for the whole family. That is still felt in their theme parks today and in the animated films they collaborate on.
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Ha ha, that is too cute. He himself says he's too young to date, but it's nice to see his little innocence when it comes to relationships. I was a little afraid our youth had become 'corrupted' with all this garbage that is pushed onto them from the internet and media like MTV, so this is way too cool. Great for the kid! Proves that you don't need to talk or act like a sailor in order to get attention.
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I don't really see too many of these 'buy american' neanderthals running around. Even they must realize that in these times hardly anything is one hundred percent made in america. Especially the auto buyers, sheesh isn't it like 80 percent of "american" cars are made with parts from other countries? But with this economy I'm sure they'll start to sprout up again.
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Thanks sadtomato. And pudifoot, Americans don't strap themselves with explosives, they rig rental trucks with amonium nitrate and target office buildings filled with innocent men, women, and preschool children. Not to mention that the U.S. military does most of our dirty work, launching air strikes left and right in foreign countries and never ever, I mean ever, killing innocent civilians, only terrorists and jihadists (ya right).

But I digress, I have to respectfully disagree with Christophe, this is indicative of a problem with American consumer and greed oriented culture encouraged by the likes of wal mart and other corporations. I'm not badmouthing my America yet at the same time I'm not viewing it through rose colored glasses and think other cultures are beneath us. Certainly there are other countries that are consumer driven but can anyone prove to me that it approaches anywhere near the level of insanity in America? Where else do you see people act like animals in wanting goods they can't even afford. When you read about riots in other countries it usually involves shortage of food, or crime, or government, or things that, you know, truly make a difference between life and death, not a 42 inch plasma screen t.v. Rioting and fighting and killing over a nintendo or a tickle me elmo is definitely not a natural part of human nature, certainly not a part of what's supposed to be the most 'advanced' and 'progressive' nations in the world.

And this kind of behavior is hardly recent, growing up in the early 80's and all those toy fads and crazes, shoppers were as ruthless and violent back then as now. I think it is rather pure luck that more people have not died all these years.
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And people wonder why the world has such a negative view of America. People in this world do not have food to eat or even money to put shelter over their kid's heads. And they read about Americans trampling and shooting and killing each other for material goods. Shame, shame, shame, who are we as a nation to judge the morality, lifestyle, religion, or character of other nations (hangs head in shame).
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They had a documentary about this not too long ago and explained the situation that the Navy was able to provide the funding and the cover. Fascinating stuff.
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Interesting, I've seen #'s 9, 7, 5, 4, and 3 on the Bizarre foods program with Andrew Zimmern. That number 7 almost made Andrew hurl multiple times tells you something though Tony Bourdain seemed to like it on his show.
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It looks cool yet at the same time it would creep me out too much to swim. Even worse would be if they did something similar and put images of coral reefs and deep underwater fish and stuff, that would really freak me out!
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