Geekazoid's Comments

I agree with Tifu and others, you could have sold this for discount prices and fed the homeless properly instead of dumping tins of caviar to different places. Who's to say the people that run these hopsices and whatnot aren't taking home a few for their own consumption?
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I used to be in the military a while ago, and even I don't understand why his family should be forgiven their debts to Sallie Mae. A loan is a loan. Sure, a military member is putting their life on the line, but doesn't that apply to our police force, our fire fighters, and so on? Do they deserve the same considerations?

I don't like how some people like to shame organizations into forgiving something they are liable for.
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Really I'm starting to find these types of things quite annoying. One day it's some guy paying with a 'spider'. Then next someone using pennies. Now toilet paper.

Enough's enough already, maybe it was somewhat cute the first time now everyone thinks they are so clever and sticking it to the man.

Just pay the bills on time like everyone else!
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Oh they knew it would be controversial. In this day and age I would not be surprised if this was a calculated move to get media attention. Look at how they are smiling for the camera. They are trying to milk their 15 minutes, and sad that they are using their kids for this need for fame.
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That's true Ursula, but I'm just saying how I feel, that a sandwich board by itself isn't the most ideal thing to be doing for finding work as people tend to be wary of guys with sandwich boards, period.

But you are right, if he did this knowing that he would get publicity, then perhaps the person that would normally bypass or overlook such a person would take a chance on him. Not to mention that whenever people get attention in the media, it does tend to bring out people from the woodwork wanting to help, people who would not normally want to hire a guy like this.

So maybe he did have a plan after all, I wouldn't be surprised to see an update within the week with a happy ending with just such a scenario. Good for him then.
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