I can't remember which one of the Travel channel hosts liked it and which one didn't like the putrid shark. I think Zimmern thought it tasted alright, and Bourdain didn't like it.
I think in this case it had more to do with the 'them' vs. 'us' cliquish/clannish mentality of small towns. I mean, it didn't help they first showed up in a Lexus with bling bling from Florida.
But Alex does bring up a good point, wonder if it would have been any worse if it were a family of a different race.
Great, just what young people need, more internet and surfing to distract from the real issues at hand: proper discipline and respect for authority/fellow students. If they need the internet to prevent them from acting up, I think something is wrong with our society. As pignose says, it's probably facebook, porn, neo nazi stuff, and other garbage.
It would have to supplement, not replace, washing hands. You still need to get rid of the dirt, skin cells, and other nasty stuff in the cracks and crevices.
I have to agree with Brett though, for all the 'controversy' over the value of degrees, no one can deny that degrees from certain schools are more than worth their weight in gold. A technical/science degree from MIT has got to open doors anywhere and everywhere in the world, regardless of your personality and social skills.
I'm tired of this 'you're square and you don't get it' excuse. I don't care what time period we live in now compared to before.
Having teachers do something like this is neither cool, funny, or hip.
But Alex does bring up a good point, wonder if it would have been any worse if it were a family of a different race.