Geekazoid's Comments

Wow 5 days, seeing how sorry our school systems are, what difference does it make whether it's 5 days or the whole school year, they still aren't learning anything.
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I agree with Christopher, I thought we'd seen enough of this individualistic garbage where kids will do anything to flaunt the rules and get their names in the media. I rememeber when dennis rodman was going through his phase, some local high school kid was in the news because his dyed hair was causing a small ruckus.
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Yea right evil pundit and others, no disrespect but the only reason why you people say what you did is to "prove" that you all are against all political postings, not just those supposedly against conservatives. Pretty obvious but very very transparent. But as always and forever, empty threats keep littering this site, the complainers will always continue to come, period, mark my words none of you will leave, how many times have you all complained and threatened and STILL here. Nice try though.
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I forwarded a news link to neatorama editors a while ago (don't think it ever got posted), but there was a story about a woman that actually got up and emailed someone while she was asleep, the first recorded case of a human emailing and using the computer while sleepwalking. I'm sure many things are possible sleep walking. But it does make you wonder if someone that would do this didn't have such tendencies in the first place.
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The universal studios tram tour guides used to tell the story that hitchcock actually blasted ice cold water in the shower scene so that leigh's screams were very real.
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You must be new here Barry. There's been hundreds before you that have complained incessantly about keeping politics out of neatorama (which basically means, keep the "liberal garbage/conservative bashing" subjects out, leave all others in lol).

If you or others don't like it here, then don't visit, simple as that.
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Umm, what exactly does this case have to do with 'growing a thicker skin,' PC gone amok, or any other nonsense? This is a case of a huge global organization with gross employee misconduct. Labelling customers as "terrorists" is hardly something to merrilly laugh about, anymore than using a derogatory term for any other social or ethnic group.

You don't expect any professional business to tolerate such stupdity. Period.

And for those still crying that people should get over this and think it's "harmless," how would you feel being labeled a term that is associated with those who killed over 3000 Americans on 9-11. Not so funny now is it?
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I agree with you Larry, the Sikhs that I have interacted with in the U.S. have been all professional and nice people. They are a thousand more productive than native Americans that have lived in the U.S. for generations and living on social assistance or acts of crime. It is unfortunate they bear the brunt of racist ingorants simply because of their head wear.
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It's funny how the usual suspects come out of the woodwork as per schedule to inject their political idiocy.

I could care less about palin's political affiliation, and indeed many here haven't even mentioned this aspect of her. On the basis of her "character" alone and the fact that she was the running mate for one of the most powerful offices in the world, is cause for amusement on one hand, shock on the other.
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