Geekazoid's Comments

Miss Cellania, I just visited the website and they actually have pretty cool stuff like shoes. It's interesting that Craig, the founder of the ranch, does not have internet access and doesn't really read the guestbook that much. Someone should publicize this in Japan, since they seem to be cat crazy over there, could be a good source of tourist income.
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That is too cool for cat lovers like myself. Maybe he can charge admission to his ranch, make some t-shirts, etc. etc. Got to be a way to make money out of this, if Japan can have cat cafe's, maybe he can figure something out.
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I'm not sure, but isn't 'Silence' one of the first 'main stream' movies to feature, umm, how should I say it, well, don't want to get too explicit but you know the part when Clarice walks through the "dungeon" and some weirdo....
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Interesting observation about Ted Levine. I thought that his role would be the last 'mainstream' role for Ted in the industry. I've always felt that actors that really took daring, creepy, and "weird" roles to the extreme would somehow be 'blacklisted' in hollywood, and his character was as extreme as they come. So it's nice to see Ted in various movie and t.v. roles and it hasn't affected him. Years and years ago he probably wouldn't have had many offers after such a role, but we're a lot more 'open' now.
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I'm in one of those spots, I haven't gotten my degree yet and I'm an older person. I have about a year left and already my loans are almost 30 grand. It's crazy.

There are some truths I guess in that not everyone with a degree will have that sterling job experience, and perhaps it is not for everyone. But I wouldn't let articles like these convince people that degrees are worthless or not worthy of getting.

Yes there are bad experiences but personally I feel that someone with a legitimate degree is already one step ahead. Having that paper opens doors for you, I can't tell you how many jobs that I applied for ask for a minimum of a bachelor's. The Bachelor's today is the equivalent of a high school degree, so in the long run I still feel having a degree is better than not.
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I like the freefall chatter myth, I think it was debunked on mythbusters, but you'll still see it on movies like 'the bucket list.'

I also like number 8, it does give you the illusion that someone deploying their chute pops back up.
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Good plan, though I think Alex and company were already in some ways implementing the above plan before.

Again I think a lot of the posts are pretty cool and neat but just need some "finesse" from the pros in terms of quality writing/descriptions.
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And quite honestly, I don't really care about prizes and whatnot, ever since I've been visiting Neatorama, I've been submitting stories I think were neat or belonged on Neatorama (I think Alex and company can attest to that!). It's not like because of the queue I'm submitting more or less because of the desire to win anything. I just like sharing things I think are neat.
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I think the problem for me in submitting stories is that quite frankly I am not that great of a writer like Alex or the rest of the professional staff/editors at Neatorama. I'm being honest at least. A lot of the posts are like that also. Not so much that they aren't neat but that it could use some editing help.

I've noticed a huge difference between the stuff I submitted and wrote as compared to when Alex edits it and posts it. Plain and simple I am not that great of a writer.
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I think it's just a matter of perception. Sure there are tons of posts that seem familiar and whatnot, but overall I don't think the quality of what's been posted has been that much different from what's been posted before. Artful desserts to quirky videos, it's not that drastically different.

You can't please everyone all the time I guess. Just give it some time.
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Darn the video is gone. We must live in a bubble because I know in other countries kids that are too young to attend school are smoking. Who knows how many young kids in this world smoke. Sure it's not pleasant but it happens.
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