Geekazoid's Comments

Very nice.

I believe she may have done a bit of "enhancing" her background story to get some 'sympathy' points. Kind of like that guy on 'American Idol' who was too old to actually be an official part of the show but did perform for the judges. He had a story about how his wife just died and whatnot.

And interesting the comments above about her looks. Sadly if you do not have the looks it will be hard to really be a huge star in entertainment. This is even if you have a great voice. Yes there are always exceptions but for the most part everything in the industry is based on looks.
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It's also all the hormones and chemicals in foods, water supply, etc. I know in some asian countries bra sizes are increasing too, probably based on the same factors as in the U.S.
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Amen Craig, the very voice of reason.

Indeed it is psychologically 'normal' for people to always say, oh, I would have done more, etc. etc. The reason is, they are in effect trying to force out the very thought that they too might not have acted like some action hero. They want to reassure themselves, thinking, but I'm a good person, I'm no coward, I would do more.

Yet time and time again bystanders have done nothing.

Kitty Genovese anyone?

How about that old guy who was struck by multiple cars and people stood around and walked by and no one did a thing. What about the baby in California who was being stomped to death by his insane father on a highway. Dozens of eyewitnesses just stood there and watched and did nothing, one of the bystanders a fire chief (the only person who reacted was a cop who shot and killed the guy).

What about the greyhound bus guy? While the guy was being stabbed to death, everyone was screaming and running away, not running to help like Steven Segal. Everyone was practically stampeding to get off the bus, and eyewitnesses afterwards were claiming the guy was over six foot, bald, and some huge maniac (the killer was five foot nine, of medium build, and not bald).

Indeed it has been proven time and time again most people will do absolutely nothing in these situations. If you Bruce Willis' out there personally experienced a situation where people were screaming, there was gunfire, a stabbing, blood and gore, unless you are there, then you don't know. Period.
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It's nice to be able to judge safely from the computer monitor and keyboard, but until you were in the situation, one NEVER KNOWS HOW THEY WILL ACT. Period. Some of you think everything goes according to plan like a hollywood action movie. All of you Chuck Norris's out there bursting with machismo (and whatever else from the females here) think all it takes in these situations is to do a spinning roundhouse kick and you are the hero of the day, with your face in the newspapers and doing the talk show circuit.

Well unless you are there in that situation, you will never know. Sure, it would have been the right thing to do morally to do more than call the cops, but what is the right thing? What if this guy (or any guy in similar situations) was over six feet tall, 250 pounds of rippling muscle, or even armed with a sharp knife or gun? What then?

This isn't really a unique psychological situation, where 'outsiders' always cast judgement after these sorts of incidents. They think, why I would have done something, these people are cowards, etc. etc. Happens all the time.

I would hope to do the right thing myself if god forbid something like this happens. But at the same time words on computer screens are just that, words.
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First of all, if this was a picture of Muslim/Islamic leaders and women were forced out of the picture, I doubt some would be as genial.

Second, what other religions are known for murdering women? Many, but really one doesn't have to look farther than your own backyards. Just one small example, the former president of the U.S. waged war in the middle east on false pretenses, with the backing of the religious right. In fact many christian leaders/christians on the right in America fully supported the war in Iraq (and still do), thinking it's a fundamental war against Islam and whatnot. Needless to say hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and babies have been killed in this fiasco.
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Well John, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the bailout of A.I.G. and their ilk funded by tax payers, like you and me? I think we the "mob" have every right to demand accountability and how our money, not their money, our tax payer money, gets used. I don't see how our tax money should go towards paying any bonus, that is obscene. It's too bad if they were promised a retention bonus- contracts get broken all the time (ever heard of a thing called 'Stop Loss').

My point is in regards to this one V.P., if he's trying to portray himself as some honorable and principled man, well, he failed. A one dollar salary means little when it's for a guy that is worth millions. Now if it were a man that was worth only thousands, has a car loan, mortgage, and two kids to feed and was in a financially precarious situation, then I would respect him. Heck if I won the lottery I'd have no problems taking a 90 percent pay cut at my current job just to reward my hard working junior employees.

And I agree with you Wok. Here's the world's smallest violin.....
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Ha ha Rudy, I remember the 'pants low' thing amongst youth/young adults back in the early 90's. I was hoping the 'gangsta/thug' phenomenon would be over by now, but sadly it's even more popular these days. It looks utterly stupid and without class.
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I like how these phonies try to make themselves "honorable." Funny how this one person that wants to show the world what a 'great' guy he is, can only pontificate because of the insane amounts of wealth he has. No doubt he has a nice chunk of change from his massive bonuses and insane salary amounts from previous years, not to mention the fancy penthouse suites, cars, and yachts. There is no way the rank and file could afford to quit like that. We have bills to pay and mouths to feed.

What an idiot.
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I see your point Medical, but I didn't take the article to be deliberately misleading people into thinking it's like Disneyland in Afghanistan. I take away from the article more of sadness that it is so filled with beautiful scenery, yet it is so dangerous and unstable as to be unfit for people who appreciate beauty to visit.

Kind of like an ironic sentiment more than trying to sugarcoat the actual situation there. That they are sending more troops there, and the level of violence there is rising at a rapid rate, is very scary.
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That's true Alex, which makes it even sadder. I think any country in the world that has beautiful natural sights would be proud to show them to the world, and have a nice tourist trade (a great source of revenue). Just seeing these pictures I can't see how anyone wouldn't find it a beautiful place to visit and see.
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