Geekazoid's Comments

Give me a break, Point Break? The Long Kiss Goodnight? Captain Sky?

These movies rocked!

Looks like the author was struggling to find enough filler! Though I agree with a lot of it like Hudson Hawk and those two Costner turkey's, truly dreadful.
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Actually this is the same principle I believe that the scientists working on the invisibility cloak are using. Their cloak uses some form of cameras to project the image of what is behind the subject onto the front of the subject, so it looks like you are seeing through it.

Very neat.
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Something similar is happening to the PS3. While the PS3 is selling well these days, the PS2 is actually selling well too, which is amazing considering it's almost 10 years old. The PS2 gaming platform is good enough for many.

Same with the stunning success of the Wii. There was an article which summarized that the technology of the Wii was just good enough for consumers to embrace, without the advanced graphics capability of the PS3 and Xbox 360.
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Don't forget, one of the biggest supporters of the war in Iraq were the religious right who supported Bush (and still do). Some of these people who are the first to scream about anti Christian/religious bias in the media, and raise a storm about a decline in western "moral" values (same sex marriage, etc. etc.), are the very ones who have no qualms about denigrating Islam and torturing people in the name of some insane crusade.

Pure hypocrisy.
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There's several of these types of advice books and informercials I've seen that were pretty cool. It's always neat to be able to use household items and non toxic stuff for everyday use.
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Not a surprise. Even though they get paid a lot more, those promoted and into senior positions suffer a lot more stress. They are the ones that get the most heat from those above them for any perceived failures for company objectives. They are the "filters."
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I fail to see the relevance of singling out the Japanese as "ostriches." Sushi in its various forms has been consumed in Japan for hundreds of years. The ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, is the organization that supposedly deals with the issues of bluefin tuna fishing, especially in the Mediteranean. This organization (participating nations include the US, Canada, Japan, and other European nations) has refused to outright stop fishing, instead recommending a harvest weight per season that is still much higher than what experts advise. And that still hasn't stopped all the illegal harvesting and overfishing of bluefin tuna in all its forms.

Money talks.
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I agree John. There was a survey done a while back, USA Today I think, where they surveyed young people, and one of their number one ambitions was to be famous.

Unfortunately, all people need nowadays to get their 15 minutes of fame is to film themselves doing the most inane stunts and posting it on Youtube. It's one thing to showcase some awesome talent you have, like singing or playing an instrument. But for others, it's all about getting maximum exposure and fame (or infamy) on the internet.

So many people around the world have easy access to internet, it has truly changed the dynamics of how people interact in this world. Look at the lady that was on Britain's got talent show. Thanks to the power of the internet, her performance resonated at the speed of light and now she is on the verge of stardom, when days before she was having problems with employment.

When people see how something so widespread and easily accessible can make one a superstar, is it any wonder that idiots out there are going to try their shot at fame and notoriety by filming themselves doing everything and anything.
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You are right Gauldar, it was a KFC sink:

But there was also one at a Burger King sink too:
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This was probably another great example of internet sleuthing and how the perps were caught and punished. It's great the higher up execs were involved with this instead of ignoring it. Kudos to Domino's for that.

I really am sick of this multimedia internet generation that loves to film themselves doing everything and posting it on the internet. No doubt these may have been "inspired" by that idiot taking a bath in the pizza hut sink.
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It would be criminal Mairead, but not unexpected if she were to be rejected. Some of the things the judges said to her was quite insulting. But looks ARE everything in the industry.

She may be one of those rare individuals who may make a career out of her voice because it is that awesome. She might have one of those 'niche' albums with her singing different songs. I mean, any producer has to be nuts not to capitalize on this, seeing how so many around the world have been captivated by her. This could very well be one of those rare cases when the fans override what the executives think is marketable. Heck they gave William Hung an album right?

But as far as mainstream singing star in the likes of the American Idol singer Carrie Underwood? Not likely.
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