Geekazoid's Comments

Regarding the pizza vending machine, that particular machine was posted as part of the upcoming queue-twice. It never made it to the front page, though, so I guess this video counts.
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No doubt he's fishing for a reality tv series or some sort of blog that will make him 'famous,' and since he's got this media attention, his plan is already underway. Plus it's an excuse for him to pig out and get fat. That is what happens when you go on extreme diets and exercises for too long. Just another person looking for their fame.
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Cute. But, (with a disclaimer that I am not saying all people in Russia are like this) I do find it a bit sad that some of the people seem to tolerate and even enjoy the presence of animals, more so than they would humans of different races/ethnicities/sexualities.

Now off my high horse.
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Neat, I have used Zappos many a time and they are a superb company. Great customer service and great selection and fast shipment.

Great to get a feel for how they keep the good customer service going.
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Oy vey, I come back from vacation and now potentially the biggest controversy at Neatorama: Argentina Gate.

Again, was anyone offended at the subject of the pig farm in Afghanistan and people calling them backwards?

It's always fun and games until your 'own' is possibly insulted.
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Oh, and there really IS something universally touching about an honest taxi driver. I read about these things once in a while, and when the public finds out about an honest taxi driver, something about them really makes them go wild in praising and rewarding them.
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O.K., so I can see that it can be upsetting for some to read this article the wrong way, as it starts 'In a corrupt society like Argentina....'

But, where is this same outrage when articles about pig displays in Afghanistan seem to portray it as some third world wasteland? And people seem to join in saying what a backwards country it is, in those cases! And I doubt there would be any similar anger if this article were talking about some other 'third world' country as being 'corrupt.'

Double standards??
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